
'Morning guys.' Ilana walked into the kitchen where Lance and MK sat whilst Mr Lunis was preparing breakfast. 'Morning.' MK greeted her. Lance just gave her a nod. 'Did you guys sleep well?' Ilana asked. 'Barely.' MK groaned.

'Why is that?'

'Don't ask. I don't want to talk about it.' MK told her. 'Okay.' Ilana shrugged. Ilana glanced at the sketch that MK was drawing. 'What's that?' she asked MK. 'Oh nothing. It's just a man I saw in my dreams.' MK shrugged. 'He looks rather scary looking.' Ilana replied a little creeped out. Lance looked at the sketch and asked, 'What did he want from you?'

'I don't know. He tried to kill me.' MK told him 'It felt so real.'

'Don't worry it was just a dream.' Ilana reassured her. MK stood up and made her way out. 'Where are you going?' Lance followed. 'I'm going out to find answers.' MK said. 'I'm coming with you.' Lance told her. 'No I can handle myself.' MK kindly interjected. 'Hey, I wanna be there for you. You can't do it alone.' Lance told her. He's right. No matter how crazy, creepy and dangerous this whole family witch heritage stuff is, I need help. She thought. 'Okay.' She said. 'Cool, let me go get my keys.' Lance made his way upstairs. 'Lance.' MK stopped him. He looked at her. 'Thank you.' MK smiled a little.


Lance and MK were silent on their way to Eldora's house. 'So how does it feel to be a witch and all?' Lance broke the silence. 'Scary, confusing, dangerous.' MK chose her words carefully. 'Why is that?' He asked. 'My brothers lying to me, a journal flashing a light into my eyes and a dream of a scary man who's out to kill me. What more do you expect?' MK looked at him. 'Don't worry about it. You'll get used to it.' Lance gave her a reassuring smirk. 'But this is different.' MK said. 'Okay, look at it this way. Back at military school, our training coach would wake us up at 1am to run some rounds.' Lance told her. 'Gosh.' She exclaimed.

'Make us do 100 push ups with 2kg sacks of sand on our backs.' Lance added. 'Ouch, that had to hurt.' MK remarked.

'And walk on burning coal with our bare feet.' Lance finished.

'Yikes.' MK covered her mouth.

'It was painful the first days but I adjusted to it and got used to it.' He told her. 'How did you survive?' She asked curiously.

'Properly. But it wasn't easy.' He replied.

'It seems that you were at a torture camp instead of military school if you ask me.' MK told him truthfully. 'That's how military schools do.' Lance smirked at her. 'But not all of them.' MK said. 'Point taken,' Lance agreed with her as he chuckled. 'But it also taught me to be bold and strong.' Very strong indeed. She thought. 'We're here.' Lance parked the car. The pair walked to the door. MK knocked on the door and waited. After 5 minutes, Eldora opened the door. 'Mary! What a pleasant surprise.' Eldora smiled. 'Hi nana.' MK returned the smile. 'I see you brought your boyfriend.' She looked at Lance. 'NANA?!' MK shrieked as she blushed. 'I'm just teasing. Come in.' Eldora chuckled. They entered the living room. 'Do you want tea and cake?' She asked them. 'No we're good.' They both replied. 'So what brings you here?' Eldora sat down. 'I want to talk about my paternal family.'

'What do you want to know about them?'

'Everything. Origins, history, anything that has to do with them.'

Eldora sat up straight. 'Your father's family are a race of witches from another planet. They originated from Galaluna, a sister planet to earth that is a few light years from here,' she started.

'How did they end up being on Earth?' MK asked.

'They had been falsely accused for the murder of the Queen of Galaluna. The King sent his army to raid all four tribes. The survivors were put on exile and only to return to Galaluna on special occasions.' Eldora explained.

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