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rowan: hi corey

corey: hey rowan

rowan: maybe we should get to know each other a bit more

rowan: you think so?

corey: of course. do you watch that show, girl meets world?

rowan: yes!!!! i love it!!!

corey: same! i ship riarkle so much

rowan: AH! you are the first person i've met who ships riarkle!

rowan: the rest of the kids in my school all ship rucas *gags*

corey: ewwww

corey: rucas?

rowan: yep. it's gross

rowan: my friend peyton doesn't ship rucas though

rowan: he goes to my school, he ships lucaya

corey: my friend maya goes to my school too

corey: she ships lucaya as well

rowan: maybe they should meet

corey: i'm already making ship names

rowan: i've only got one friend :( you?

corey: two. amir i wouldn't consider a friend anymore though

corey: he went to the populars

corey: so i guess just one friend

rowan: no

rowan: we both have two

corey: how?

rowan: you are my friend now.

corey: and you are my friend now.


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