Chapter 15- Orion the hunter

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Disclaimer- I do not own any of the characters they all belong to Rick Riordan and Greek Mythology

We were all still shaken up after our fight with Callisto and camp was silent for the rest of the night. None of us uttered a word confused about what we had just witnessed, not even when we all gathered in the dining tent for dinner, a normally lively occurrence with many stories being exchanged. There was barley a reaction when Artemis announced that she had found Orion's trail which we would follow tomorrow. We all separated to our tents to retire for the night with only the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves and calls of animals in the distance; another unusual occurrence there is normally a chorus of goodnights. As I went to bed I finally knew why we were all so quiet, we felt guilty: we killed a fellow maiden for a reason she had no control over. With that I drift to sleep, grateful for the dreamless rest.

I wake up the next morning and instantly jump out of bed. I am over the events of last night and I'm excited for today. Lady Artemis found Orion's trail and today we will make sure that he can no longer wreak havoc on the wild. As I walk to the dining tent I can already hear the ruckus that we normally make while we eat; nothing like the silence of last night. I smile, glad that my sisters have left last night behind them. I enter the tent and see the happy faces of everyone and hurry over to phoebe and Atlanta. I serve myself some quick fruit and yoghurt before we all start talking about what we will do when we see Orion. "I'll shoot at him until I'm out of arrows then I'll run at him with my spear and dagger and gut him right there for leading us on this ridiculous chase," says Phoebe, ever the brutal daughter of Ares.

"And here I was thinking you were enjoying this adventure," joked Amelia receiving a shove in return to which we all laugh, before she continues, "I reckon when I see Orion I won't even bother with arrows I'll just run straight in with my knife and stab any piece of his disgusting flesh that isn't covered by armour."

"Thee both have great ideas and I commend thine on thy brutality but thee forgets, Artemis will give us a great plan to ensure that he receives Tartarus for the pain and destruction he's caused and we get sufficient revenge for our sisters..." I say; Alish, Amelia, Holly and Phoebe all look at me and I smile, "...but it would be fun to shoot Orion so much that he resembles a pin cushion then knock him over and stab him multiple times." This continues and we all laugh at our creativity until Artemis walks in.

As soon as Artemis reaches the front of the tent we all turn to face her expectantly. She lets out a little chuckle. "I'm guessing you're already to go and find Orion," she says. We all nod and she motions for us to break camp. While everyone else leaves I make my way to the front of the tent where Artemis is. "Milady," I call.

"Yes, Zoe," She replies.

"I was just wondering," I start nervously, "what if Orion is expecting us and he left that trail on purpose? What if this is a trap? I do not want to lead my sisters on a mission destined to fail, especially against our most dangerous enemy. They are all so excited to teach Orion a lesson but..."

"Zoe, it'll be fine. I'll stay with you this time and if something does go wrong again I'll intervene. I don't want anymore casualties either Zoe, It'll be fine. We'll make sure this is ended today."

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