Chapter Fifty-Two

Start from the beginning

He didn't like the idea of hiding things from her. A huge part of him wanted to sit her down, and tell Harley exactly who was responsible for this and why. But, he peeked out of the corner of his eye at the stubborn line of her jaw, and the defiant tilt of her chin, he had to agree with Bo on this one. He had no doubt if she knew what Rafferty was up to, she would go charging over there the first opportunity she got to serve his balls to him up on a platter. She would be putting herself in grave danger, and he just couldn't allow it. Rafferty already proved he wasn't going to let anything get in his way, and if she showed up over there...Travis shuddered hard. He didn't want to think what would happen to the woman he loved at the hands of that crazy son of a bitch if he got his greasy paws on her.

For now, all he could do was keep her safe at his side. He ran an agitated hand through his hair. He hated the hypocrisy in what he was about to say, but if it kept her out of danger, then he would play the part of being the biggest hypocritical bastard on the planet.

"We'll figure this out, sunshine. I don't want you to be worrying about anything. Let's concentrate on getting you better first."

She turned to him, giving a small smile over her shoulder. "I know we will." Giving his hand another little squeeze, she turned back towards the window, and silently watched the scenery go by.

A few minutes went crept by before he spoke, but he had to know. "Harley?"


"Did that asshole touch you?" His grip on the steering wheel tightened until it squeaked in protest. "Sexually?"

Travis watched as the blood drained out of her face. She went so pale, he feared she might pass out.

"I need to know, baby," he said gently. "It won't make a difference to me on how I feel about you, but I need to know."

"No!" she said in a rush. "Oh God, no." Shaking her head, her grip on his hand tightened. "I swear. He only bonked me on the head, that's all."

Her reaction was so resolute and quick, he knew she was telling the truth, and a heavy weight lifted off his shoulders. The thought some fucker had touched her ate at the back of his mind like acid, burning through until he feared he would go crazy from thinking about it.

"Thank God," he sighed in relief. "You know I won't let anyone hurt you again, right? You can trust me."

She focused on him, blinking as their gazes stayed locked across the cab. "I do trust you, Travis, and I know I will be safe with you." A bright smile lit up her eyes which had been dulled with worry, and he could feel the warmth emanate from the glittering pools. "I love you," she said simply as if that single statement answered all the questions in the universe.

His heart swelled in his chest. Lifting her hand, he brought it to his mouth, and placed a kiss on the inside of her palm. Something he knew always made her tremble, and he wasn't disappointed as she shivered against his lips. "I love you too, sunshine." More than you will ever be able to comprehend, he added to himself.

He returned his attention to the road, and she turned back towards the window. Together they sat in companionable silence holding hands. He took immense satisfaction knowing she trusted him. And she could. With her life. With her wellbeing, and with her love. He would do whatever was necessary to keep her safe, happy and alive. Though he hadn't been completely honest with her about what he knew, he would have to buck up, and deal with that fact. But there was one damn thing she could bet money on, and take to the bank...he'd never let anyone hurt her again.

His thoughts were interrupted when he pulled the dually into his driveway, and saw the one thing he never wanted to see sitting there. A bright ass, pink convertible.

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