Chapter 22

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Note: Dark!Anodien. VERY. Dark. Anodien. This is where we go back to who she really is, not just the facade of a happy She-Elf.

She is not good. Remember that.


Thirty long years passed, during which Legolas was as much an attentive husband to Anodien as she was a wishing wife. The Elf, recently a king due to his marriage to Anodien, noticed nothing wrong with her. However, there was always pain behind her smile. 

This pain was never able to escape, not as long as she was with him. In his presence, her heart sang with contentment. At the same time, the joy was fought back by the anger and self-loathing in her head. The truth was always lodged in her throat, and Anodien saw it in his eyes whenever he looked at her. 

She ached, day by day, for some way to take her anger out. Perhaps then, she'd be able to lose herself in the illusion. Perhaps she could at least feel somewhat happy in this horrid utopia. Anodien excused herself from the company of Legolas and took a mindless walk outside. She soon found herself in the same garden she'd lost it in when she learned of Legolas' lies. 

The fragrant blossoms were as lovely as they'd been that day, nearly unchanged despite the long years that had passed. Anodien flexed her arms subconsciously, feeling her senses heighten as though there was a predator around. The feeling remained for a few moments before ebbing away, leaving her wondering why.


Days later, Anodien sat at her throne. She leaned her head onto her black-gloved hand. Boredom ran like water through her veins as she listened to complaint after complaint. Faellond was not worth returning to, she decided.

"Your Majesty." Anodien's eyes shifted to the speaker, though she made no other movements. The Elf trembled with fear. "Your Majesty, I plead your forgiveness," he begged. His tattered blonde hair was matted with blood, no doubt from the skirmish with the guards. They stood beside him, ensuring that he would not attempt an escape. Anodien leaned in towards her adviser, a small tan-skinned Fae from the southern reaches of the region. 

"Why is he here?" she asked the Fae. 

"I believe he was caught by the guards for stealing from your apple orchards, My Queen." Anodien did not respond to the hushed reply. She lifted her head from her hand and stood up, her bejeweled midnight-colored dress tight around her waist. 

"So you beg my forgiveness for robbing me?" she drawled, walking around the prisoner slowly. Anodien placed a hand on the Elf's shoulder.

"Y-yes, milady!" he stammered. "I-- I was only trying to take enough to feed my son... please, he doesn't even come up to my waist... his mother died in the war, I've been doing all I can... Kill me, but leave my boy alone!" Sympathy twinged at Anodien's heart, and she leaned down to unlock his handcuffs. 

"I will forgive you for taking what is mine," she told him softly, her diamond-studded brunette hair rustling. "I will also grant you a gift. The crown will feed you and your son for one year, but you must find another way to support yourselves during that time. After that, I will consider it a double offense and punish you." Anodien waited a few seconds for her statement to sink in. "Do I make myself clear?"

The Elf rubbed his raw wrists with wonder. "Yes, yes milady! My Queen! I'm sorry! Thank you, thank you!" The guards escorted the Elf out with him still singing praises while Anodien slumped back down into her throne. 

"Was that a wise move, My Queen?" her adviser queried. "Perhaps you should have given him a consequence." Anodien held up her hand before he could say anything more.

"I am not a beast, Elphruin. I will not condemn a family to death for an offense less than harsh to me." A guard tapped his spear on the ground to get her attention.

"Queen Anodien, I have another Elf who wishes to speak with you. Copper-haired and--"

"Oh, I believe I know who it is!" Anodien smiled, waving him away. "Send her in!" Turning to Elphruin, she continued. "I'd asked Lairiel less than a fortnight ago to visit, but I hadn't expected her to come this quickly. Leave, El. I will call for you when I have need." Elphruin bowed his head and scampered away.

Anodien also dismissed the guards by her side, a choice she regretted the second the unrecognized face came into view. Dim green eyes stared into hers, and pointed ears nearly as long as Anodien's were ill-concealed by long copper locks. She seemed comfortable in the Fae castle, standing in front of the queen. "Hello, Anodien," the She-Elf said arrogantly. Anodien wondered why this unknown Elleth would address her so informally. 

"You may call me Your Majesty," Anodien hissed back coolly, wondering who this strange woman was. 

"Ah, I see," the Elleth chirped, unabashed by the correction. "Then you may call me Tauriel." Shock went up Anodien's back, causing her to shiver violently. Flame threatened to burst out her hands, held back only by the enchanted gloves.

"I see," Anodien snapped icily, pupils narrowing. "Why are you here?"

"I only wanted to see Legolas." Tauriel looked around, false innocence in her movements. "We were lovers. Engaged, you know." Anodien forced herself to leave her sword at her side as she stood up.

"I'd be more than happy to escort you," the queen said through gritted teeth, a storm gathering in her mind. Tauriel bowed mockingly.

"Thank you... Anodien." Anodien lifted her lips in a snarl, but made no more mention of Tauriel's disrespect.


Tauriel lifted up an expensive glass chalice, spurring Anodien to snatch it out of her hands and place it carefully back on its stand. The intruding She-Elf had not stopped wandering around and grabbing everything that wasn't chained down. Anodien found she'd had enough long ago, and was glad to have finally brought Tauriel to her destination.

"Here we are," Anodien said in a falsetto, letting Tauriel pass her into the field. The red-haired She-Elf glanced around before turning back to the queen.

"Where is--" Tauriel never finished, as Anodien had a tight hand around her neck instantly. She made tiny choking sounds, using her own hands to scratch at Anodien's. The Faeling allowed a tiny wisp of air to pass into the Elleth's throat before she began speaking.

"Tauriel? You come here, into my life... Into a life that I know you would take?" Tauriel only stared back at Anodien in panic. "You would take him from me-- not that he was ever mine. He was always yours, Tauriel. Always." Anodien's piercing silver-green eyes never left the vulnerable She-Elf's. "See, you took him away. But I might've eventually accepted that, if you hadn't broken him down already." She tightened her grip, crushing Tauriel's windpipes. "If...

"If you hadn't hurt him, then perhaps he wouldn't still be with you!" Anodien threw her to the ground with a growl, watching Tauriel scramble to her feet. Tauriel desperately tried to scream, but the painful damage Anodien had caused was preventing any kind of noise. "You hurt him, and that's something I can't forgive. Why would you hurt him? Why would you do that to him?" A deranged cackle burst from Anodien's lips. "And... just what is it about you?

"Why are you so special to him? What do you have that I don't?! You're unfaithful! You're pathetic! Common!" Anodien stretched her arms towards the injured Elleth. "I have everything, and yet you still hold his heart... WHY?!" The queen gave one last injury, snapping Tauriel's neck.

Anodien found a small patch of dirt, untouched by the fragrant blooms around it. She dug down, ignoring the strain to her energy and mind. The queen dragged the body of Tauriel to it, throwing it in unceremoniously. When the body was fully covered again with dirt, rain had begun to pour. Anodien smiled darkly at the pile of mud, knowing that with the sky's tears, it would soon be as covered with flowers and unnoticeable as the rest of her garden.

Her darkened garden. 

The queen left to her chambers, tearing off her clothing and burning it to ash. She washed out her hair and threw her gloves into the corner of her wardrobe. The remnants of her glorious deed were gone.

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