A kings promise

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*Standing beside the sexy grey stalion* who just saved you from Timberwolves & *your in a trans* "do you trust me" you shake your head as you come realty

W-What? Do you trust me?

Oh well yes *you say in a shaky voice*
*He looks Right into your eyes* Which makes you go to the ground*
He glars at you for a while *it is silent for a moment or to*

Well why are you on the ground *you get back on all four hooves*
You look at him "I was waiting for you to kiss me" *he kisses you for a while*
Darling you remember how I promised to keep you safe
You look at him well yes *he stars at you* I mint my word when I said that

*you blush*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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