"I hope so," I muttered breathlessly, and luckily she didn't hear me.

I took many deep breaths on our way there, mostly because I know that Mrs. Dillon needed me there for support, and if I was freaking out then she would never be calm.

We walked up to the front desk and Mrs. Dillon asked the lady at the desk where Connor was. She gave us a room number and pointed in the right direction.

Connor's mom headed that way immediately, but I was sure to thank the woman before I headed towards the room.

When I had finally caught up with Mrs. Dillon, she was talking to a doctor.

"He blacked out at the scene of the accident, and we had to make sure that he was under when we set his arm, but he should be waking up anytime now. Just make sure to be quiet when you enter the room," The doctor informed us as we waited outside the door of Connor's room.

Mrs. Dillon slowly turned the handle and almost ran into Connor's father.

She stopped in her tracks before nodding and muttering, "Daniel."

I suppose that was his father's name.

"Jessica," He said back, his voice slightly warmer as he offered a smile.

I really didn't know why Connor despised this man so much. I mean I know who he used to be, but couldn't Connor see past that and realize that his father had changed?

Mrs. Dillon pushed lightly past Connor's father towards the bed that Connor was laying on. I looked past her but was alarmed to see the other figure sitting beside Connor's bed and.. holding his hand?

The blonde head looked up at me and it took everything in me to not slap her right there.

"Jennifer?" I asked quietly, careful not to raise my voice.

I looked at Connor's peaceful body that now had a dark green cast on his left arm.

"Yeah," She responded, wiping a tear away from her cheek.

I almost believed that she was upset until she flashed me an evil smile when she made sure that no one was looking.

Why was she even here? Did Connor ask for her?

"What are you doing here?" I asked her, sitting down in a chair next to her.

"I figured that Connor would want to see me when he wakes up, don't you think?" She made her voice small and innocent.

I couldn't believe her, she always felt the need to get in the middle of my relationship. But would he rather see her than me? Maybe I should just leave.

"Come on Jenny, give them some time," Mr. Franta's voice called from the door.

She huffed and stood up. I smiled to myself and then moved to where she had previously been sitting, putting both of my hands on Connor's left hand.

The doctor came back into the room and asked Mrs. Dillon to come and sign some papers.

That just left me alone with Connor.

His hand moved a little under my touch, and within minutes his eyes were open.

"Veronica," He said, slightly incoherently.

"Yeah, it's me," I said, a huge smile spreading across my face.

"You came," He replied in disbelief.

"Of course I did," I said.

Did he really think that I wouldn't have come? Maybe he expected Jennifer to be sitting here instead of me.

Maybe he hoped that it was her..

I pushed the thought out of my mind and proceeded to ask him what happened.

"Well I was fighting with my dad and then he.. well, he.. um-he made me angry and I left to go to school. I wasn't paying attention and I reached to check my phone and.. that's all that I remember," He said, still sounding tired.

"Why did you check it while you were driving?" I asked, disappointed.

"Because I thought that maybe it was you," He responded.

I reached over to the counter where his phone was sitting and checked the message that was apparently so important that he had to check it while he was driving.

Jennifer: Thanks for last night ;)


Last night?

My eyes clouded with tears and I handed the phone to Connor. His face became very confused, and he looked over to me.

I dropped his hand and backed away slightly.

"Is that why she was here? Because you've replaced me?" I asked, still keeping my voice down.

"What do you mean? She was here?" He replied.

Was he really more concerned about the fact that she was here? I couldn't believe him right now.

"Really, Connor? I thought that you were better than that," I said.

"It's not what you think, Ronnie. I don't know why she said that. My father made me help her with a project. Nothing happened-" He tried.

"Save it, Connor. I don't have time for this," I responded.

The door swung open to reveal his mom and she rushed over to his side. She smiled at him and I frantically wiped my tears away. I didn't want her to ask anything.

"I've go to get back to school," I said to Mrs. Dillon and walked out the door before anyone could ask questions.


Ugh, school is next week. Kill me now.

Love Always,


Is It Love? (An Our2ndLife/Jc Caylen/Connor Franta Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now