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It has been a week since Joey and Cat had seen one another and it is 3 days before Christmas! Joeys Dad, his dads partner (Sandra I think she's called) and his sister are all in LA for Joeys storytellers premier. Both Cat and Joey go home for Christmas time to their families so Cat asked Joey for a lift to the airport.

Joey pulls up at cats house and texts her to say he is outside her house.

Joey: Hey girl

Cat: Hey you're looking posh, I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to the premier of storytellers

Joey: It's alright, I'll tell you all about it when we get home after Christmas!

Cat: Okay cool thank you! I'm going to miss you so much!

Joey: I'll miss you too girl! I already miss you every single day I'm not with you

Cat: *blushes* aww Joey, you're so sweet some times

Joey: I know *sarcastically*

5 minutes later

Joey: Right we're here!

Cat: I'll miss you sooooo much! Bye bye Joey!

Joey: Bye kit cat! I love you! *awkward car hug*

Cat: I love you too! Bye!

It is the 25th December and it's Christmas!! It is 11:30 at night

Joey text Cat saying: Hey girl Skype me <3

Cat text back saying: 'Sure I'll be on in 10 minutes!!'

10 minutes later

*Skype call*

Joey: Hey girl! I've got to talk quietly cos Jet is asleep and we're sharing a room *sigh*

Cat: Oh it's alright, I'll talk quietly too then *smiles*

Joey: So what did ya get for Christmas?

Cat: I got tones of stuff! I got gift vouchers, money, chocolate of course and alcohol obviously!

Joey: Awesome! We could share the alcohol!

Cat: Hmm I'll think about it! What did you get?

Joey: I got a camera, money, vouchers and at Kalels party I got a Sex toy! We could also share that!

Cat: OMG! JOEY! *laughs uncontrollably* What is it? Who gave it to you?!

Joey: *also laughs uncontrollably* It's a step that you put in a shower and you know... The girl puts her leg on it and they... You know have sex

Cat: *Still laughing hard* Oh yeah we could totally use that! *sarcastically* The alcohol can be used too! At the same time! *winks* *laughs*

Joey: Shoot girl! I like this side of you!!

Cat: I can't believe I'm talking about this and my family are in the same room!

Joey: Good job you've got your earphones in so they can't hear me then! *laughs*

Cat: *laughs* Exactly!

Joey: I miss you so so so much you won't even believe!

Cat: Aww Joey I miss you too! I can't freaking wait to see you!

Joey: We need to meet up as soon as we get to LA!

Cat: Yes! Definitely! When's your flight?

Joey: 29th December, When's yours?

Cat: Mines on the same day! What times yours?

Joey: Mines at 21:00 When's yours?

Cat: Mines at 22:00 *sad face* thought we might be on the same flight then

Joey: Same! *Sad face* *Face brightens up* I can pick you up from the airport!!

Cat: But that means you would have to wait for an hour though

Joey: It's fine! Anything for you girl!

Cat: Aww thank you Joey! I owe you one!

Joey: No problem girl! I've got to go soon otherwise I will fall asleep on you!

Cat: I wouldn't mind that if that was literally

Joey: *blushes* Neither would I! Text me which terminal you're landing at so I can pick you up! I love you! Bye!

Cat: Okay I will do! I love you too! See you in LA!

Joey: Okay *smiles* bye!

Cat: *smiles* Bye!


If only he wasn't a friend... But more than a friend...


Cats mum: Who was that you were talking to?

Cat: Oh it was just Joey

Cats mum: Oh the one I say you'd make a good couple with? *smiles*

Cat: Oh mum, please! *smiles*

Cats mum: Oh come on! I can see it! I can see the chemistry! I can tell when you like someone! I know you more than you do yourself! You're nearly 25! Just give it a try!

Cat: He's one of my BEST friends!

Cats mum: Friends can turn into more than friends though!

Cat: *looks down*

Cats mum: The amount of times he made you laugh and it sounded like he said I few things you didn't want us to here and I'm pretty sure he was flirting with you and you were flirting back, it just seems right! You like him don't you?

Cat: *smirks and goes red*

Cats mum: OMG! You're going red!

Cat: *hides face*

Cats mum: YOU LIKE HIM!

Cat: *laughs* I'm not saying anything

Cats sister Sarah: Omg should I tweet him telling him?!

Cat: NO! Do you want to see day light again?

Sarah: *laughs*




Jatrific twitter - @Jatrific1

Personal twitter - @PhilippaBarber_

Instagram - @PhilippaBarber_ - @Philippa123x

-Philippa <3 04/01/14