Kenny's First Day of School

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~The youtube video is the First Episode of Saveraedae series, The Mark Side! Check it out!~

Kenny was in front of the school feeling nervously. He turned around and saw his parents giving him a thumb up for good luck. Kenny nervously smiled and shaking gave a thumb up back. Kenny walked inside the building, and saw all the kids playing around, the only kid that stood differently was Jonathon sitting in a corner with Benjamin comforting him.

"Its okay Jonathon, you don't have to eat it if you don't want to." Benjamin said.

"I'm sorry Ben." Jonathon replied.

Ben chuckled. "Hey its okay Jon, I'll remind mom and dad next time. I promise." He said.

"Okay." Jon replied.

Kenny slowly walked up to the two, with a small nervous smile. "Uh, hi." He said. Ben and Jon looked up and saw Kenny standing there nervously.

"Hi." Jonathon whispered.

"I'm Kenny!" Kenny said with a smile to make Jon happy.

"Hi Kenny." "Benjamin said. "I'm Benjamin, and this is Jonathon my brother." He said.

"Hi Jonathon!" Kenny cheered.

"H-Hi." Jon said nervously. Kenny smiled at the young boy, and Jon did the same. The two got closer to each other until Frances came out of nowhere.

"Hey JON!" She screamed. Her sudden appearance scared Jon and Kenny. Frances laughed seeing the surprised expression on the boy's faces. "I totally scared you guys!" She laughed.

Ben sighed and helped Kenny and his brother up. "Kenny, this is Frances, and she likes Jon, a lot." Ben explained.

"Nice to meet ya." She said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too." Kenny said giving a small glare. Frances giggled at Kenny, and grabbed Jon.

"Come on Jon where going to play! You need to play with me!" Frances yelled grabbing Jon's arm. Jon looked back at his brother and Kenny nervously, as Frances dragged him over to her friend, Iris.

Kenny crossed his arms and glared. "I know I'm not going to like her." He said.

"But you'll like Mark." Ben said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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