Chapter 1

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Picture's by @k.editingcafe on IG

Being an Avenger was a hard job. You have to fight criminals, stop villains from destroying the earth, help whoever needs help. And on top of that you have to stay healthy and be ready for any other attack
It was a tough job but you liked it, seeing the happy faces of so many people after you saved their loved ones or seeing on TV how they praised you because you stopped a super villain. You won't stop doing that because many people depend on you but that was in your world.

What about an other world?

Friday night. The night that 90% of people in the world get out and have fun and forget about what ever was worrying them the day before, 9.99% were the nerds that stayed attached to their couch and watch the brand new episodes of 'American Horror Story' or 'Orange Is The New Black' or even watch 'Sherlock' or 'Doctor Who' for the up tenth time which wasn't so bad because they were having fun and were relaxing on their couch in their home feeling warm and cozy.
But 0.01% of these people were fighting the criminals just so these 99.99% people could have fun. One of these people were you
And your fellow friends,The Avengers. Making your way to your room trying so hard not to run into a wall, people or anything really while thinking ' is this really worth it like would they suddenly die if you stopped working with them for like two weeks?'

As you approached your room you opened the door and walked to the only thing that wouldn't betray you or hurt you or make you angry
Yes, your bed. Oh how nice and soft it felt when you lied on it and let go of the air that you were holding in for no reason, oh how many times you wished you could stay in your bed just lying there not thinking about getting up super early in the morning or thinking about how many people are trying to kill you because of your job or dealing with your childish cousin and how stupid he could be at times.
Speaking of him....
"hey (Y/N) let's watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoniex " Tony said as he kicked your bedroom door and walked inside
"I don't wanna watch it I want to sleep" you said
Tony gasped as loud as he could and placed his right hand on his chest where his heart is supposed to be
"You did NOT just insult Harry Potter!! The (Y/N) I know would NEVER say no to Harry Potter" he said dramatically
"I'm so tired I just want to sleep and I have to get up early in the morning-"
"I don't give a single freckle fart you will watch it right now even Thor is ready" he said
"Do I have to?" You asked
"Yes because I can't tell Thor what's happening in the movie without losing my mind" he said. You stood up and took your shoes off
"Just let me get ready" you said
"Yes! I knew that you wouldn't disappoint me" he said and walked out of your room
You went to your bathroom and took a quick shower wishing that somehow you would fly to Hawaii and spend a month there and just relax
That word. You're an Avenger you're not supposed to be relaxing at any moment. When was the last time you sat down and enjoyed the silence? The answer is never.
You walked to the living room and sat next to Thor
"Lady (Y/N) is here! Let us start watching the masterpiece!!" He yelled
'Oh god' you thought
Even though you loved watching all the Harry Potter movies you couldn't enjoy it this time because you were so tired you even fell asleep few times but woke up by Thor's shouts commanding Umbridge to leave Hogwarts at once.
When the movie ended everyone were too tired to get up so they stayed in the living room and slept there it was nice of course but not for you, you were Thor's teddy bear, he was hugging you so tight that you couldn't even move a finger, around 4:45 am you woke up again but this time not by Thor or Tony. No, this time you heard a voice calling you, it wasn't a familiar voice but it sounded so calm it was that kind of voice that you wouldn't mind listening to for hours
"Oh (Y/N) come and find me~" the voice said
" I will if I knew where you are " You said as you walked around the whole floor hoping to find the source of the voice but to no avail
"Come back to the living room~ i'm right over there" It said. You made a sharp turn and ran back to the living room where you saw........
"Is this some kind of a jock?" You asked yourself out loud
"I'm right here, can't you see me?" It said you looked around and your eyes landed on a weird object on the table it kinda looked like a..................hat??
Like a wizard's hat it was brown and looked so old, it had a gap and it was facing you
"Hello?" You said as you sat on one of the chairs
"Hello (Y/N) nice to finally meeting you" the hat said
"Wait aren't you the sorting hat from Harry Potter?" You asked
"The one and only my dear now would you like to listen to the reason why I am here?" It asked and you nodded your head
"I have noticed how unhappy you are and I wish I could do something to cheer you up but in the main time I want you to help Hogwarts " it said
"Help Hogwarts?? You guys are wizards and witches. I think that you don't need me" you said and glanced at the Avengers. They were still sleeping, lucky them
"(Y/N) stop this nonsense I know what you don't know and I can see very clearly that Hogwarts needs you more than anybody else" it said
"Ok fine how am I supposed to go there? By a broom? Train? Time travelling?"
"Hey don't shout or you'll wake them up" you said and looked at them again, Thor moved a bit but nothing else happened.
"They should wake up now because they will go with you" it said "you have to save us I tried many times to warn them but they won't listen they think that I'm old and I know that you will do your best because you are better as a team and you know it now go to sleep because your journey will start tomorrow"......

The Legend of Hogwarts's Heroes (Fred Weasley X Reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن