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Ok so here are the rules once again please read them completely before entering the contest.

1: when entering you may only enter 1 book

2: the book you enter must have 3 or more chapters

3: your book can have no more then 5k read at the time of entry. (I will be checking so do not lie)

4: there will be judges and you WILL NOT be allowed to ask them anything related to your book. If I find that you are trying to mess with my judges you will be out of this contest in the blink of an eye.

5: each contest will take only 10 entries per genre so enter quickly before we run out of space.

6: if you are applying yo be a judge please pick 2 categories you would like to judge and apply for them. But make sure they are still available before you apply for them

(Let me know you actually read the rules and post the secret code Kitten in your entry form ;) )

Ok so those were the rules. If you have any questions comment them and I will answer them as quickly as possible :)

The Judges entry form and contestants entry form are in the next few chapters

Small Time Writers Contest (CLOSED!)Where stories live. Discover now