He had a small knife that was in a pouch by his waist.

I gulped hard when I noticed it...

I was having some problem to shape out the small fairy as its body was too bright with light for me to see.

This duo seemed really very familiar to me.

You know, when people go through a lot of anger, misery and- hunger, they go mental, they see things that are all made up in their heads ! Now I'm getting mental ! Why would I even think that ?! I'm not a five year old !

"Beautiful innit ?", he spoke up after a long time of silence. I was too busy scanning him to answer his question.

Suddenly, his head snapped towards my direction when I didn't answer him , and the fairy's body did too. Aaaand.....he just caught me staring at him.

He looked down at his body and again looked up to me and said "What ? You're staring at my clothes, innit ? Believe me, I used to wear clothes made out of animal skin or leaves back in the 1902s !..."

'1902s ? Well he looks like an 18 year old to me !'

"And it's the 20th century so- this is my new outfit ! Ha ha !" he said his arms in the air by his side.

I just blinked rapidly. And an awkward silence took place. And just to make it more awkward, my stomach rumbled louder and more furiously now. And he just heard it and smiled at me.

So embarrassing ! 

I crossed my arms over my stomach, wanting to stop any further rumbling noise from coming out. And took small glances at him seconds after seconds. I was sure that I was blushing furiously right now.

"You must be hungry, eh ?" he spoke up, the smile still on his face.

'Oh come on ! Why are you sitting upright, hearing out your imagination !'

I just rolled my eyes at him, thinking about what a messed up head could do, which earned me a confused look from him and then I hit the bed again, covering myself head-to-toe with my blanket. I closed my eyes, desperately wishing that when I woke up in the morning, everything would be fine. I didn't know, that I was so sleepy until now.

I was almost half asleep when I heard my door creak open. Again, out of excitement and surprise, my eyelids sprung open and all the drowsiness vanished away. I got up from my bed and looked towards the direction of the door to see it open.

I could almost cry out of joy right now ! Henry finally opened it ! The only thoughts that were occupying my head right now was 'food and water' !

I looked around to see no figures. No boy or no fairy.

'I knew it was a dream !'

But I wasn't feeling happy knowing this somehow....

I ran towards the door like a mad woman and climbed down the stairs making loud echoing booming noises until I realised that Henry might be here somewhere. I stopped at the bottom stair, debating with myself whether to go down or not. Then a loud familiar voice spoke up from behind "Henry is out for a drink, you can do whatever you want !"

A small squeal escaped from my lips til I was about to fall off the stairs out of shock, but 'he' caught me by my waist and pulled me back.

'Ugh !!!! You surely became crazy, April !'

I pushed his hands away from my waist.

My breathing became shallow, my hands clutching my chest, trying to stop my heart beating frantically.

"Woah ! Easy there !" he spoke up.

I turned on the back to see him with a huge toothy grin plastered over his face, which made me jump a bit out of fear. It made me go over the edge of the stairs.

Then a more horrible thing happened.....

The tinsy-winsy glowing fairy came from his back out of nowhere and started hovering inches away from my face. I could see it more clearly now.

It had a high bun and was wearing a miniature white top with green skirt. It had a beautiful face.

But....the fairy looked-angry ? It's face was becoming tomato red for anger.

I was about to fall off the stairs, but this time, I gripped the stair handles.

"Hey !" he pulled the fairy back by its wings.

The fairy glared at him and stomped her left feet in the air.

He turned to face me again, his left hand scratching the back of his head and his face converted into a huge toothy grin, and said "Tinkerbell here, thinks that I am fond of you-that's why !"

This made my cheeks burn. I was sure that I was blushing furiously now, going all tomato red.

"Don't let your Crazy take over you, don't let your Crazy takeover you....." I began chanting in my head.

Why do I still think it's just a figment of my imagination, or it's a dream ?! This thing that is happening to me.....it is very realistic !"

I just turned around and began walking down the stairs without uttering a single word. 

Wait for it.....

HopeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora