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It was almost 1 at morning and I was sitting on the couch beside my bed,my legs and arms folded before my chest. My cheeks and eyes got itchy and sticky for the long time I was crying. I didn't care to wipe away the tears that were rolling down my cheeks.

All day today, I was sitting in my room and crying my heart out, sitted in the same position. For that, my body was aching. My mouth was stale and my stomach was rumbling as I didn't eat.

I've become insane too I guess. Cuz I've been talking to my dead mother's photo all day long, repeating the same thing again and again "Why couldn't you take me with you, mum ?"

Today....Henry went too far !

I came back from my school today afternoon and was heading upstairs to my room to be stopped by Henry, my freak step-dad. I was a bit tensed and scared to see him. It was an unusual time for him to arrive in the house. He was supposed to be at the office or hanging out with his friends at this time of day...or doing something else.

Seeing him after weeks meant that there was something important he came for, or something reckless.

He hardly came home....

I was looking at him in a startled and curious way, waiting for him to speak up. A fright was working inside me and I was trying not to show it in my face and expression.

"April, dear....tomorrow a boy is coming to see you" he spoke up in a soft small tone after a long time of silence.

He just called me-'dear '....

"What do you mean dad ?" I asked him curiously, furrowing my brows.

I hated to call him 'dad ' but I had to.

Deep inside me, an answer to this popped up in my head. But it was impossible ! No one would ever do it ! Maybe I was just questioning myself too much ?

My heart was racing and my hands became numb for nervousness.

I needed to know the answer.

He answered in a nervous tone rubbing his palms together "Well-um-I'm going to get you married-"

"-WHAT ?!" I yelled out loud before even he could finish his sentence.

After all....my answer was right ! How could it ?

"What do you mean by 'you're gonna get me married', huh ?!" I yelled.

"For god's sake dad ! Are you insane ? I'm only eighteen and I-still read in high school !"

I mean...was he really insane ?! This is the twentieth century ! Not the 'Victorian Era' where girls my age got married. People will probably laugh at him if they knew it.

I didn't even notice that my hands were curled into tight fists, my nails digging into my palms. I loosened my fists when I noticed.

I never yelled at Henry. Nor did I talk to him much. So he was surprised to see me yelling at him. His eyes popped up.

"Your high school will be finished in a few months and you don't have to apply to a college! You have to understand it April, I'm doing it for your own good-" he raised his voice, shaking his head angrily everytime he spoke.

Without letting him finish, this time also, I yelled out "-My good ? Do you think I'm a five year old ?! I can take care of myself !...."

"....So..why don't you come straight to the point ?! You want to send me-away, so that your path becomes clear. Mum already died ! So that's an advantage for you. And now if I also go away, your path will be fully clear, now isn't it ?!"

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