Chapter One.

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Jasmine Daniels.

I sat at his desk and cried. That's all I could do. My hands were shaking and my mind continued to race. What was I supposed to do now? Who could I call on to help?

I was only one person. Who decides fates like these? When I was younger I always believed there was a God but on days like today I often questioned him. Actually today I completely had given up.

Who thinks of things like this? Who said that I would be okay without him? Her I could live without, she wasn't a fan of me too much anyways, but him?

I sobbed harder as I thought of the reason they were even out there. It was my fault, and it would always be my fault. If I wasn't such a selfish little shit he would still be here.

"Jasmine, sweetie?" I quickly wiped the tears from my face but quickly turned my face facing towards the window. "Yes, Aunt Janet?" She took a deep breath. I assumed she could hear the tears in my voice, the sadness that my aura held.

"Baby? They're uh, they're waiting for you. They don't want to start the wake without you." I rolled my eyes. I don't understand why they couldn't just go on without me. I was alone any way. Why did I need a bunch of people in my face? This wasn't going to help me mourn. It was making it worse. Just a bunch of 'I'm sorry and I'm here for you', but they aren't. After about three months they'll be asking why I'm not over it, why I haven't moved on. When I was going to take steps to move past it. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

"I'll be there in a minute. I just need a few more minutes." I could feel her worry and pity for me, but I ignored it. I looked at the desk that I had been occupying. My dad's things lay as neat as he always left them. The picture of us in Jamaica with us with our coconuts and smiles. I wanted to go back there. When times were simpler. I didn't need everything, I just needed him. But he's gone now and there was nothing I could do about it.

I stood up pushing the chair in careful not to mess anything up. I needed everything to stay the same.

I sulked towards the door, not realizing that even though this room wouldn't change, I would.


5 Years Later

Los Angeles, CA

"I don't understand why you're so cold. Why do you act like you don't need me?" I rolled my eyes as Devin stared at me with sadness in his eyes. I wish I could say that it was moving me, but it wasn't. I didn't need him, I didn't need anyone.

"I don't." Was my reply. He didn't need a drawn out explanation. He just needed to leave.

"You're going to regret this! No one is ever going to love your selfish, cold hearted ass." I nodded ushering him to the door. I guess he was trying to get a rise out of me, but his attitude and remarks were falling on deaf ears, because I could care less.

I slammed the door as he was still ranting and raving on his way out and in my hallway. About a minute and a half later my phone rang. "Miss Daniels?" I realized it was my door man. "I have received a few calls. Would you like me to call security?"

I thought about what I really wanted and to send Devin to jail wasn't it. "No, Javier. I'm sure he's already on the elevator. I'm fine. I would like someone to walk me to my car in about 15 minutes, please."

"Very well, Miss Daniels." I stood up and walked over to my vanity taking my powder brush and lightly sweeping my face to make sure my make-up was perfect. One of the few things I still controlled.


"Did you eat?" I peered over my magazine as I sat in my chair waiting for this scene to finish. "No, Aunt Janet." She rolled her eyes and handed me a banana.

Drinking and Drivingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें