Work, but fun with friends.

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          I had to go to work for the past month with no breaks. Lex had some breaks, but I didn't. I guess it was because I was still kind of new to this job? I don't really know.
Anyways I had to work and I am still working and Kenji came to my job with his Audi R8 towed with him in the passenger seat of the tow truck.

         "Ayeee, Kenji what's up?" I said to him. "Hola Asian fam" he said "My car broke down.." "Dang it Kenji what did you do this time. Just kidding, Ha."
I looked at the car, but it was just fine. Then when I went to the rear of the car, then that was the deal. "Wha-..." I had no words, neither did Lex. "Uh that rear bumper is not in Spain Kenji, we will have to import the parts from other countries. NOW that will cost alot of money." Lex told Kenji.

         "JAY! Come here right now, I need you!" The manager says. "Fudge, I be back guys." I said as I was scared by his very low voice raising as high as a fork scratching a plate. "I need you to go Germany to get these parts." I look at him in a little disappointment. "Don't worry Jay, you might get a raise." He told me to get out of his office after writing down the parts of the cars I needed to get and then giving it to me.

       "Kenji, I have to go to Germany to get the parts of the car we need to fix your car." "Jay, the tickets are expensive, you better go get one of duh tickets before they get even more expensive." Kenji tells me. "Alright, I be back" I said casually. I run back to my GTR and book a flight.

      "Why do I have to book a flight in this season, the tickets are so EXPENSIVE!" I say in my mind after I booked my flight at the air port. I packed lots of my clothes for this trip and waited for the day. The day I had to go was in 3 days. I was lucky enough to get a flight that early.

                                                                        *Three days later*

       I get my Samsung Galaxy s7, my laptop, my headphones, and my little pillow for my neck incase I fall asleep listening to music. It was 3 in the morning and I had to go to the air port at 5.

      *ring* *ring* I pick up the phone. "Yo, what's up Asian fella'. Guess what?" "What Lex" "I get to go with you to Germany!" Lex says in surprise. "Ayeeee!" "Also as Kenji since he had nothing to do in these two months." Lex points out. "What about Conner or Chase?" I say in curiousness. "They are busy at their jobs. At least they are keeping up to date with the youtube channel." "Right the youtube channel." "Hey Jay, why don't we make a vlog on the plane since we haven't made a video since two weeks ago.

     "Alright it is 4:30 I have to get going to the plane, so as you and Kenji!" I say in excitement because I was relived that I wasn't going to be bored.

                                   *I got to the air port at 4:50 because there was no traffic*

       I was at the air port in my Adidas Joggers, Nike Roshe two (Black base and White bottom), and a plain black hoodie. "HIYA!" Kenji necks me hard from behind and scares me. "AH! Kenji! You scared the crap out of meh!" "I know, that is the reason why I did it, Jay." "I know, I know." I said to him holding my neck. "HIYA!" Lex necked Kenji. "OWW! That hurt ma-an." Kenji said trying not to yell like I did. He started to hold his neck.

                            *Flight Number 96 is here, please aboard the plane calmly*

    "Sounds like that is our plane number." I said. "Lets go, my dudes." Lex said.

This is realityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz