“Bell, does it hurt?” Noah leaned against the 25 year old’s knee, his big eyes curious and full of concern. The little boy “helped” hold the frozen peas to Bellamy’s face.

   The man smiled through a wince, ruffling the boy's hair. “Yeah, it hurts. This helps though, thanks.” He looked up at his aunt and licked his parched lips. “I'll explain after he goes to bed. Meanwhile, Octavia said she was arriving today, along with Raven?”

   “Yes, they have winter break starting today. They should be here soon.” Olivia smiled and glanced at the clock that hung on the wall nearby. Neither of them mentioned Olivia’s adopted daughter/half-niece Natalie. Neither had seen or heard from her in over two years, aside from a postcard now and then with just her signature and a drawn heart on the back. “Calvin should be coming in tomorrow.”

   Bellamy nodded, gathering his little cousin in his arms and slumping back into the chair. He allowed the little boy to help him hold the cold veggies on his bruises while the television flickered, and they were quiet for awhile. After twenty minutes of relative silence - only interrupted by Noah in his attempts to get his mommy and cousin to play with him - the front door opened and a small brunette woman bounced into the brownstone.

   “Bellamy! I didn't know you'd be here, too!” Octavia Blake grinned at her older brother and kissed his cheek before moving to kiss Olivia’s. “What happened to your face?” She frowned, scooping Noah up into her arms and nuzzling his cheek with her nose.

   “Honey, I'm home!” A loud voice cut into the conversation, and Raven Reyes sauntered into the room. “Aunt Liv, I managed to get Mama G’s casserole recipe!” The Latina hugged Olivia and kissed Noah’s cheek. She noticed a dejected looking Bellamy and frowned. “You get in a fight?”

   “I don't want to talk about it right now.” His voice shook just a bit, only enough for Olivia and Octavia to notice. While Raven shrugged and made herself comfortable on the couch, the other two women exchanged a look.

   “Okay.” Octavia sat next to Raven,  letting Noah go when he wiggled off her lap. She looked over to her aunt, leaning into Raven. “Cal said he might be here in the morning, depending on traffic.” She opted for small talk, and the others followed her lead. They chatted for a bit about school and work, deciding on ordering a couple pizzas for dinner. Octavia squeaked when her phone vibrated, and she pulled it out of her pocket. She grinned and turned her phone to show the others. “Clarke says she and Lexa are on their way home!”

    Bellamy managed a smile at the selfie that was shown, and Olivia grinned at it. It was Clarke and Lexa in plane seats. Clarke was smirking a bit and Lexa was leaning over, looking a little green through her smile.

    Raven and Octavia smushed together and managed to capture Noah, snapping a selfie of their own to send.

    The door opened yet again, and a blonde woman breezed in. “We have new neighbours, there's a moving truck outside.”  She kissed Olivia, snatched up Noah to kiss his cheek, and smiled at the three young adults. “Bellamy, Octavia, Raven, it's good to see you guys!”

    “Hey Aunt Alex!” Octavia grinned and stood up, heading to the door. “You said new neighbours?”

    Olivia stood as well, following her niece. “This is a weird time of day to be moving.”

    “It looks like they're from out-of-state. Look, see? There's a car with California plates.” Raven squished herself beside Octavia, pointing out the dark blue Subaru that was parked in front of the truck. As they watched, three doors opened on the vehicle.

    From the backseat, a short brunette stepped out, swinging a backpack over her shoulder before reaching back in and bringing out a toddler. The girl wore ripped jeans and a white t-shirt. The toddler wore dark jeans and a puffy blue coat. The passenger side had held a taller blonde woman who wore smart black trousers and a light green blouse, a pressed jacket over her shoulders. The driver was a short woman with flaming red hair sporting faded blue jeans and a green flannel shirt.

    “Isn't that Anya? Like, it's been years since I've seen her, but-” Bellamy squinted from the front window, tilting his head.

    Olivia frowned and stepped out of the house, putting on a smile to welcome their new neighbours. Alex carried Noah behind her, and Octavia and Raven followed. The Lieutenant stopped short when the redhead came around the vehicle, taking the toddler in her arms and kissing his head. “Natalie?”


Coming Home (a LAO:SVU/The 100 cross-over) Where stories live. Discover now