House of Wolves

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Gerard sighed, furiously scribbling at the excess graphite marks on his latest drawing. He was working on another comic book character, this was probably his best so far. Gerard glanced over at the alarm-clock on his nightstand, Frank was going to be here anytime now. Gerard cursed under his breath, he looked like shit, his dark basement looked like shit, everything was shit. Frank would probably be disgusted by him. Why the hell would he invite frank over?

Not seconds after Gerard scribbled a messy signature on his drawing, the doorbell rang. Gerard walked up the old creaky stairs leading to the main level of his house. Every step he took seemed to cause the pit of anxiety in his stomach to grow. Finally he reached the door and calmed down enough to open said door. However he was definitely not ready to do anything that came with opening the door, like casually saying "Hey!" or "Come in!". Nope, apparently he'd lost his ability to behave even remotely like a normal human being. The fact that Frank was wearing Misfits muscle tee, probably the tightest black skinny jeans that he'd ever seen, and mother-fucking eyeliner was not helping.

Gerard only managed to stutter out ""

Luckily Frank saved him from making any other awkward noises by waving and saying, "Hi!"

They stood in silence for awhile, Gerard not so subtly checking Frank out. Frank laughed, breaking the silence, "Well, are you gonna let me in or what?"

Gerard's face heated up, turning a shade that was redder than his hair, "Fuck..uh.. yeah. Sorry!...uh..oh..the house is a!" he stuttered out.

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