Famous Last Words

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Frank could remember anything and everything. He often thought about the day that changed his life forever. To Frank, everything before that day was unimportant and therefore had erased it from his mind.

That was the day he met Gerard Way.

Frank remembered it was his first day of Senior year in high school. He was walking through the hallway trying to avoid getting shoved into a locker or being thrown up against the wall. He had failed his attempt and ran face first into a boy knocking both of them over. Frank stood up and helped him to his feet. Frank remembers how when he first looked into the boy's eyes his stomach was filled with butterflies. He apologized and Gerard smiled. Frank introduced himself and learned that this beautiful boy's name was Gerard Way. From that very first encounter Frank knew that he wanted to know Gerard for a very long time.

Frank remembered the day where he had his first kiss. It was a rainy day and he was walking home with Gerard from school. They had become friends immediately and spent way to much time with each other. That day they had been on their way to Gerard's house and Frank had tripped and fallen into a puddle. His clothes were muddy and his shoes were soaked. Gerard had laughed at Frank's misfortune until Frank pulled him into the puddle with them. Gerard stopped laughing and kicked some mud at Frank. They went at it for several minutes trying to get as much mud as possible on the other boy before Gerard slipped and fell pulling Frank down with him. Frank had landed on top of Gerard and his face smashed into Gerard's. Frank pulled away immediately and blushed as he started to apologize and get off of Gerard. To Frank's surprise Gerard held him there and pulled him into a kiss. When they finally broke apart Frank couldn't stop smiling. He knew that he wanted to kiss Gerard like that forever.

Frank remembered the first time that he had said 'I Love You' to Gerard. It was a Sunday night and they were sitting together on Frank's couch watching tv. They had been dating for at least two months and Gerard was playing with Frank's hair. Frank had turned to Gerard and looked at him. Gerard looked back curiously wondering what Frank was doing. He then said, "I love you Gerard." Gerard smiled and kissed Frank. "I love you Frank." Gerard had said after the kiss. That had also been the first time Gerard said 'I Love You' to Frank.

Frank remembered his senior prom. He and Gerard had decided to go together. They weren't scared about what other people thought because they were everyone's favorite couple in the school. They had rented tuxedos and laughed as both sets of parents cried together about how their little boys had grown up so fast. That night they had danced together and enjoyed being able to be open about how much they loved each other. At the end of the night it had been time to announce the prom king and queen. Neither Frank or Gerard were expecting to be prom king but were floored when it was announced that they had gotten so many votes that together they were prom king and queen. When they walked up to the stage to be crowned the rest of the students cheered loudly. On stage Frank was so overwhelmed that once they were crowned his kissed Gerard, which earned many more cheers from the crowd.

Frank remembered the day that he graduated high school. He was excited to finally be able to say that he had accomplished something in his life. That day he and Gerard had sat together and watched as they both walked across the stage to claim their diplomas. After the ceremony both families had gone to lunch together to celebrate the two boys accomplishments and their futures. That was the day that Frank found out where Gerard was going to college. Frank was scared that his days with Gerard were fading fast.

Frank remembered the day where he and Gerard split ways for college. Frank was going to the local college where Gerard was going to New York for art school. Frank cried in Gerard's arms as Gerard tried to comfort him and remind him that they weren't over, just far away for a while. Gerard promised to talk to Frank as soon as possible and that they would stay in contact until they could be together again. Frank cried and watched as Gerard waved goodbye and drove away.

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