Day 1 :Embarrassment

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As the bus arrived at her school everything went downhill.As Krystal got off she fell flat on her face.Krystal got up and saw one of the Most Popular girls of the Popular Girls Group.It was Katie Watson. "She may have pushed me down."Krystal said in her head.She walked inside of the school and went straight to the bathroom."Oh My God why did she do that."she said.She washed her hands and went to class since the bell just rang.First Period started and it was the worst.She had Katie and her Barbie group with her in class.43 minutes of freaking torture. As her teacher ranted about the 13 colonies Krystal turned to look at her crush Jack. He looked back at her with a flirty glance.Even though what just happened to her in the morning she doesn't care anymore because her crush stared at her for the first time. The bell rang and she went to her second class then third and so on and so on.Once it was
Lunch time she sat with her best friend Diamond.They talked about if they could go to each other's houses for the weekend.As lunch time ends it was back to classes with snobby Katie. What a stuck up person she is.Anyways as school ended Krystal took out her phone and saw on twitter that Katie called her a rat for wearing the Same old thing everyday.Wow real mature.Krystal Said "whatever it's just a post with no retweets at all or basically no comments at all good thing it's not Instagram."

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