The beginning

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" Wake up, cousins! We're going to the zoo!" Dudley knocked the closet door where the Potter twins were kept . Rose just watched the chubby and spoiled boy run around and scream for more gifts .
" Why don't you just cook the breakfast, and try not to burn anything." Petunia told her nephews .
" Yes Aunt Petunia ." Both said .
Rose discreetly wiped the floor with a toast and put it back in the plate.
" You shouldn't do this " Harry said but smiled to his sister anyway.
" They shouldn't lock us up inside a closet too ." She told her brother and served coffee to her hideous uncle .
" This will be a lovely day at the zoo. I'm really looking forward to it. " Petunia said and got in the car .
" I'm warning you now, kids . Any funny business, any at all, and you won't have any meals for a week. Get in." And the twins got in the car to the zoo .
" Funny business here we go." Rose commented with a smirk.
" You have to stay quiet . They will punish us. " Harry said to his stubborn sister.
" They will punish us anyway for any dumb thing Dudley do . And he is dumb so ..." She smiled to her older brother .
She was looking at a mouse while Dudley and Harry were looking at a snake. The chubby boy was stuck inside the cage . While Harry looked at the snake and talked to it .
" Hey what are you doing ." She asked her brother .
" Hessss talking to me ." The snake talked to her.
" Can you understand me ?" She smiled .
" Yessss . And thanksss ." The animal left .
The twins were punished for the 'magic' .
" Hey . This is for you " Harry gave a letter to Rose .
" Yours? Who'd be writing to you? " Vernon told the childre bit read the letter and tore it . Lots of letters later and they decide to move for a rock island somewhere in the ocean. Harry and Rose were lying in the dirty and cold floor celebrating their 11th birthday when Hagrid appeared in front of them and took them to buy their supplies .
" All students must be equipped standard size two pewter cauldron and may bring if they desire either an owl, a cat or a toad. Can we find all this in London? " Harry said reading the material list .
" If you know where to go." Hagrid told the twins. They went to a corner and entered inside the Leaky Cauldron . Harry was famous , VERY famous , he was getting all kinds of compliments and all the attention while Rose was looking at a glossy blue egg being carried by a domestic elf.
" Hello miss , are you interested in this ? " The creature showed her an egg .
" Yes. Can I -" She wanted to hold the weird colored egg .
" Depends of what you can give me ."
" Well . I have nothing to give you ." She said with a frown .
" It's shiny indeed , but I can't sell or use something like this . " The elf said with a creepy smile .
" I can pay you later . Really ." The girl really wanted the thing , she felt a connection with the object . The elf trew the egg at her and left .
" Wow ." She quickly hid the object inside her old bag . Quickly following Hagrid and her brother .
" See , Harry , you're famous ." Hagrid told the male Potter.
" But why am I famous, Hagrid? All those people back there, how is it they know who I am? "
" I'm not exactly sure I'm the right person to tell you that, Harry." The bricks moved and they met Diagon Alley . " Welcome to Diagon Alley."
They went to the bank and got an amount of gold for their supplies and left to Ollivander's. Harry's wand was bought and Rose had to choose her yet.
" Now you , my dear , you look so much like your mother . Except the eyes , you have Euphemia Potter's eyes , blue like the ocean . " He smiled to the girl .
" Give this a wave ." She did , and Harry's hair was on fire . Ollivander quickly fixed that. " Not this one ."
" Peharps this ." He gave her another wand. Rose pointed it to a wall clock and it exploded . " No."
" This one ." He gave another wand to the girl and it shone .
" That's it. Willow , very powerful , good for healing and learning . The same wood used by Lily Potter née Evans. Horned Serpent horn wands are exceptionally powerful. They also are sensitive to Parseltongue and warn their owner of danger by emitting a low musical tone"
" Wow . It's awesome ." The girl said with a smile .
There was a tap at the door . Hagrid was carrying two cages .
"Here . " He gave a snowy owl to Harry and a little black kitten to Rose .
" Thank you ." The girl smiled.
Later, eating supper. The three, Hagrid , Harry and Rose , are at a long table, eating soup.
" You all right, Harry? You seem very quiet. " Hagrid asked the older twin .
" He killed our parents, didn't he? The one who gave me this. You know, Hagrid, I know you do. " Harry said pointing to his scar.
" It was dark times, dark times. Voldemort started to gather some followers, brought 'em over to the dark side. Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead. Your parents fought against him, but nobody lived once he decided to kill 'em. Nobody...not one. Except you." He told the boy . " But that night , he also had what we could call mercy . He didn't kill someone when he could , no one knows why . " He looked at Rose .
" Why me ? " Rose asked .
" I don't know ."
" What happened to You-Know-Who?" Harry asked the half-giant .
" Some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there, still, too tired to go on. But one thing's absolutely certain. Something about you stumped him that night. That's why you're famous, Harry. That's why everbody knows your name. You're the boy who lived. "
In the next morning . Hagrid left the twins in London Train Station to look for platform 9 3/4.
" Okay . Maybe it's between 9 and 10 ? " Rose supposed and waked to a column .
" I don't think so . Ro ? Rosie? " And Rose was nowhere to be found .
Rose did found 9 3/4 but couldn't get back to get Harry . She found a toad and saved it before someone stomped on the little thing.
" Oh TREVOR !" A chubby but cutell boy said . "Thank you. I thought I lost him forever ."
" You're welcome . By the way I'm Rose ." She shook his hand .
" Neville ."
" Are you going to Hogwarts ? " She asked the boy.
" Everyone here is. Want to come with me ? " He said in a shy way . She liked him already , they would be good friends .
" Which house you want to be in ? " Neville asked the girl.
" I don't know . I read in'Hogwarts: A story ' that a hat would select us. I just want to be with my brother ."
" You have a brother ?" Neville asked the girl .
" Yes . He must be here . I lost him somewhere ."
" YOU LOST YOUR BROTHER ?! " Neville exclaimed surprised .
" You've lost your toad ...." She said with a smirk . " Do you like reading ? I've read all our material ."
" Really ?"
" Yes , I don't know what the teacher's are going to ask us . I need to be ready for everything . "
" Harry " she gave her brother a beat hug . " I'm so so so sorry. I thought you were following me but then you weren't and I left you there by yourself and then -"
" It's alright. I'm okay ." Rose kissed his cheek and punched his arm .
"Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Now, while you are here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup ." A teacher , Professor McGonagall , said . She had a strict look in her face and was very elegant.
" Promise me that if we get into different houses we will still be best twins. " Rose told her brother .
" I promise ." Harry told her sister while a boy got his toad .
" That's Neville . I met him during the train ride . He is very nice " Rose told her brother .
" This is Ron ." Rose shook his hand .
" Hi Ron ." She smiled to the ginger boy .
" It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." A blonde boy said . " This is Crabbe, and Goyle and I'm Malfoy...Draco Malfoy." He told Harry. And Ron tried to hide a laugh at his name .
" Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair, and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley. Well soon find that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. Don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there. " He told Harry
" Actually your name is quite funny . It's a constellation . Your surname, Malfoy, in French 'mal foi' means "bad faith." " Rose commented with a smirk .
" And who do you think you are ? Red hair but fine robes , you're nothe a Weasley."
" I'm a Potter." She told the boy with a smirk. " Rose Potter " She whipped her long straight hair and left .
" I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks. " Harry told the annoying thing.
" It's not real, the ceiling. It's just bewitched to look like the night sky. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History. " A girl with bushy hair commented .
" I did read this book. "Rose told Hermione . " I'm Rose Potter ."
" Hermione Granger ." They met and started talking until the sorting cerimony started .
Hermione , Ron , Harry and Neville were sored in Griffindor .
" Potter , Rose ." The teacher said and was surprised with the girl looks , she looked just like her mother at that age.
" Interesting . Very interesting. Kind , intelligent , you have some courage too , just like your brother . Thirsty to prove yourself . Griffindor ? No , can't misplace two kids at once . You have the brains for Ravenclaw and the kindness of a Hufflepuff . Very kind indeed. Wait . Is that some jealousy ? Greatness seaking ? I've made my decision . SLYTHERIN ! "
Rose felt numb . It couldn't be . The same house of the pureblooded children , dark wizards and prejudice . It couldn't be right . Even the teacher was surprised while the house clapped and she sat down by their table . It would be an interesting year ...

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