"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried out.

The walk was no more than a few minutes, that they made it to the front of the laboratory.

Ash looked ahead and saw someone he really didn't want to see at all, "Oh boy..."

"Toshi-nii?" Aisha blinked and looked in front of her brother, she couldn't see the person, since he was in grey. "Who?"

"One word, arrogant."

Aisha stiften and clenched her brothers jacket, "Him?"

A boy about a head shorter than Aisha was ahead, he had auburn hair and black eyes, he is wearing a long sleeve purple shirt, a necklace that looked like yin and yang but in green and yellow, blue pants and brown boots.

Gary Oak, the grandson of Professor Oak, he likes to tease and bully Ash when they were little and he always like to flirt with Aisha, but a warning came from Ash about him punching in the face, which he stopped after that but he still like to annoy and insult Ash.

"Well, well isn't it Ashy-boy." Gary spoke arrogantly and he saw the white haired girl behind him, "Hello there Aisha, why don't you ditch this loser so brother and travel with me instead." He flirts.


"Gary." Ash said in a stern voice, "I warned you about trying to flirt with my sister." He glared.

Gary flinched, he couldn't believe that Ashy-boy was taller than him, screw it, he was taller than all ten years old boys. "Hmpf, whatever Ashy-boy." He scoffed. "I already got my Pokémon." He showed his Pokéball, "I bet you don't know what I've have chosen?"

"Squirtle." Ash deadpanned. "To answer if you ask how, you've been bragging about getting a Squirtle for the past years, Gary."

Gary stared at him in disbelief.

Aisha giggled at bit.

"Now if you excuse us, my sister and I are going to get our starter Pokémon." Ash walked past him.

Aisha hasn't move from her spot of grabbing his jacket.

"Whatever, smell you later loser." Gary growled and entered his car with cheerleaders and drove off.

"You know Toshi-nii, I'm wandering if he is old enough to drive yet." Aisha spoke has the red car was far away.

"Same here, same here... Does he even have a drivers license?"

"Who knows?" Professor Oak replied after hearing Ash question, appearing from the door.

"Hello Professor Oak." Aisha greeted.

"Hello." Ash nodded.

"Hello there Ash, Aisha. Really to get your Pokémon?" Professor asked.

"Yes." The Ketchum twins replied.

"Right, come in now."

The Ketchum twins followed the Professor inside his laboratory, they entered his Research area of his lab, the Research Room was where Professor Oak has kept his machinery for researching Pokémon and where he has stock the Kanto Region Starter Pokémon for new Pokémon Trainers.

"Well Ash, Aisha to be honest I just caught this fella who has caused a bit of trouble."

The Ketchum twins raised an eyebrow, "Hmm."

"Maybe you two can help." Professor Oak released the Pokémon from the Pokéball and out came a short, chubby rodent Pokémon. It is covered in yellow fur and its ears are long and pointed with black tips. It has a small mouth, brown eyes, and two red circles on its cheeks. It has short forearms with five fingers on each paw, and its feet each have three toes, two brown stripes on its back and its tail is in the shape of a lightning bolt with a patch of brown fur at the base.

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