chapter 5 Almost home

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"George, Fred, come on slow down. I don't have you're mile long legs it's hard to keep up here." I yelled at the twins.

We where walking through the train looking for a compartment. Finally after looking for what seemed like forever we found an empty compartment. I put my things away, then I opened the window. I looked through the crowd of people for Molly, finally I spotted a bushy mess of red red hair sticking out from under a hat.

"Found her!" I said the the boys

George came and looked out the window with me.

"Oh there you are, now remember be good, don't forget to keep an eye on your brother. Oh and Anna dear keep them in line, if something happens let me know."

"Yes of course Molly." I assured her

Oh no now she's got Anna going against us. Fred said

"Oh hush Fred!!" I said

"Alright dears I love you lot." Molly said as she came and grabbed my hand that was sticking out of the window. I saw a tear in her eye and squeezed her hand.

Molly didn't ever say it, but she always really missed her kids when they where away from school. It didn't help matters that none of her kids wrote her over the terms. The only time she ever heard anything was when one of the boys got in trouble, she received many of those through out the year, to her dismay. I made a decision that I would write her at least twice a month. 

The train started to take off so I let Molly's hand go.

"Alright bye!!!" Molly said

"Bye mum!!"

"Bye molly!"

The train took off from platform 9 3/4 next stop Hogsmeade, then, of course, Hogwarts.

George and I still were looking out the window.

"Wow look at that-" George said as he turned his head towards me, making our faces only inches apart.

We looked at each other, my face started to redden. We both quickly looked away.

I moved away from the window and sat down. I looked up at Fred who was smiling at me.

"What are you smiling at?"

"Oh nothing..." he said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes and put my feet up on the seat next to me, and lied down.

Soon a knock came on the door,

"Come In!" i said while sitting up

A small, first year I'm presuming, girl walked in.

She was quite adorable, with her small frame light blonde hair, pale skin, and brilliantly blue eyes.

"Hello does anyone know where I can change? " She said

"Oh yes I guess it is about time to get into school robes. I'll go with you and show you the changing room."

I got up and showed the young girl around the train to the changing room. I looked down at the girl, it was then that I noticed an odd looking magazine in her pocket.

"What's that magazine in your pocket?" I asked

"Oh its the Quibbler, my dad helps with it...." She said, I looked at her and I could tell she was hiding something.

"Oh he just helps with it?" I asked

"Well really he owns it, I don't really think to say anything about it. People will think I'm weird...."

I abruptly stopped as soon as her words came to my ears. I looked down at her.

"Dear you say that your father owns the Quibbler with pride. I don't want you to worry about what some people think of you. You are amazing just the way you are. Don't pretend to be something you're not for other people. If people don't like you for you then their not worth your time. The people that really matter will like you for you."

"All the friends I've ever had have left me. They said I was weird, that I was strange."

"Well those people missed out then didn't they. You know what maybe you are a bit strange, weird. You know what though nothings wrong with that. Life would be so boring if everyone was normal."

"Yeah I guess you're right." She said with a smile

"Now promise me you will always be yourself, okay?"

"Okay!" she said with a big smile

"Alright then, oh well would look at that here we are here's the changing room." I said walking over too it and going in.

Once I was done, I  walked back to the compartment. When I got back to the compartment. Fred and George where sitting there in there robes, I guess they just changed while I was gone.

"Hey there you are finally." George said

"Yeah what took a million years?" Fred said

"Oh I got caught up talking to the girl." I said

"Oh what was her name?" George asked

"Oh you know I forgot to ask, but I suspect I'll be seeing here again. I'll ask then. " I said with a smile

"Oh will you look at that looks like we're almost there." Fred said looking out the window.

I looked out and whispered under my breath " almost home..."

Closed 🚩🎀🎉Contest🎉🎀🚩: Alright there is a contest going on!!! To enter just take this test>> >> after you get the results just comment your results and tell me you zodiac sign. I'm doing a project for my bio class and need participants. After you comment you're entered in for a chance to win a part in my book!! That means I'll make a character based on you, or your ideas. Please enter and help me out!!!!

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