Erza rejects Jellal invintasion

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Jellal was walking down the hallway greeting friends & son teachers then the walked into the cafeteria looking for Erza. He saw her sitting by herself writing. He grab some lunch then started to walk to Erza. He tapped on her shoulder making her jump.

J- "Hey Erza I was looking for you in the library but, they said you weren't here so maybe you where here."

Jellal looked at one of the books Erza was reading then grabbed it.

J- "Telekinesis: Unlocking A Mind."

Erza grabbed the book Jellal was reading it's title worried he might thinks she's a freak.

J- "No no no, it's like um, Hypothesis cause we actually try that, we actually hypothesis my boy's dog."

Erza was still silent & Jellal was chuckling awkwardly.

J- "So how you doing."

E- "I'm okay."

J- "Okay so you know prom is this Saturday you know, I wonder if you would to come to prom with me."

Erza was shocking of what Jellal just asked her.

E- "What."

J- "Prom, this Saturday."

Erza paused to think about Jellal invention to prom then she looked around the cafeteria to see the other students laughing at her, she bended her head back down.

J- "Erza."

E- "No."

Erza quickly got out of her sit to started to pack up all of her things but, Jellal has a negative feeling about Erza denying his offered. After Erza got her things she left Jellal at the table. She was speed walking down the hallway with Jellal going after her.

J- "Erza."

He touched her shoulder again she turned around to face, she was like of worried if it was some kind of joke.

E- "Stop, please just stop trying to trick me."

J- "I'm not trying to tricking, I'm not tricking."

E- "Are you with Ultear Milkovich."

J- "Yea, I'm with Ultear but, she doesn't want to go."

Erza thought Jellal was only asking her to prom just because Ultear couldn't go to prom & that made her feel like crap.

J- "I'm sorry."

Giving Erza her jacket she left behind in the cafeteria. She grabbed it from Jellal leaving him worried about her but, he didn't know that she was about to busted into tears.

CARRIE (Fairy Tail Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now