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Scarlett POV


"Run Scarlett run!!"
I looked back at Abraham scared out of my mind. I was afraid for the first time in a while. We lost Rosita a few miles back. I don't know whether the walkers got her or she survived. She is a like a mother to me and Abraham a father.

"A house Abraham look a house!" I pointed. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the house. The door wouldn't open .

"Abraham I don't wanna die." I whimpered out tears streaming down my face. "Your not, I promise." He kicked the door more and more then it busted open .

He pulls me inside and we run up the stairs. All the rooms are locked but there was a little cabinet that I could fit in. He pushes me in and tries to close the door. I stop it. "Abraham don't leave please." "I'm not leaving you I'm coming back scar."  I grab his arm and look him in the eyes. " Your the only  person that truly loves me , please come back. Eventually I'll be going through my transformation stages. Please Abraham try and find me fast."  " I promise baby girl I'm gonna find you."  I start to cry "Ok I love you d-dad."  He grabs my head and kisses me on the forehead " I love you too scar."

End on Flashback

I jump awake covered in sweat and tears. Just to think the was only a year ago. In a few days I'll be going through my transformation. I don't know what is gonna happen to me but I know its not gonna be pleasant the scientist in the lab told me it would be the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. I'm not very prepared for what is going to happen. I know one thing for sure is that no humans can be around. I over heard the scientist saying I was a cross of two creatures. these creatures are extinct and they are enemies. I don't know how I feel about this but I know I have no choice in the matter. At times I regret being born, but at the same time I don't because if I was never born I would never met Rosita and Abraham. They are my family.

The mother and father I never had. All my life it was just scientist working on me. From and infant to 10 years old. I know they weren't done experimenting and if they find me they plan to finish but I will fight. I will not back down to many years of my life down the drain. I won't let it happen again. I will find Abraham and Rosita and we will fight to the end. They taught me no man is to be left behind. I know they are looking for me. I know it...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2016 ⏰

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