[ Chapter IX ] Jealousy

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The only thing that's on Ivan's mind right now is how Kuon said he had or have feelings for Sophielle. If he does then why did he ran away like a coward when that happened? If it were him, he'd help her and wouldn't let the argument to happen. But now one thing has been cleared up.

She's alive and dying somewhere in Orien. But he couldn't do anything about it because that's not where his authority lies. Ivan kept thinking hard about how he can help Sophielle until finally, the Praelia's name appeared in his thoughts.

"Mikhail let's visit the Praelia family first before returning home."

Mikhail nodded at his master's order with a smile and told the chauffeur to bring them to Praelia's family.

The Praelia is one of the nobles in Sanct Sybil and is quite close with the royalty. They're also the one who sent Ivan the mirror. That's why Ivan is feeling so sure that they can give him clues.

"Your Highness! What a surprise! Please come in!" Lady Kay, The daughter of the Praelia's earl, greeted the Prince with a surprise expression plastered on her face.

"I apologize for my sudden visit but this won't take a long time. May I ask where did you get the mirror you sent to me Lady Kay?" Ivan immediately asked the lady, hoping that he'll get the answer he's been craving.

"Ah... I'm not the one who bought the mirror. It was my fiancé! Fortunately, he's here now he just came back from Orien! That's why you should come in." Lady Kay forced Ivan to come into her mansion and Ivan reluctantly entered it.

In there, a maid prepared a tea for him while Kay is calling her fiancé. Several minutes passed and finally, Kay entered the room again with someone else besides her. Someone who somehow resembles Sophielle in Ivan's eyes.

"Kay, may I have a moment with Prince Ivan?" The man asked his fiancèe gently and she nodded happily before exiting the room.

"I've been waiting for you, Prince."


Meanwhile on the other part of Sanct Sybil. Lady Eada snuck out into Prince Ivan's private room while trembling in anger and jealousy. Her eyes are red and swollen due to the tears she's been crying out. She gritted her teeth and clenched a fist before walking to a vintage looking mirror standing in the room.

She stared at herself in the mirror and see someone ugly. She knows this is wrong and she shouldn't do this thing. But she's afraid someone will steal her dearest person away from her. She doesn't want that to happen.

"Ivan.. why are you so attached to this mirror? Is it because it's from Lady Kay? Why? I thought I'm the only one for you... I've tried to be like what you wanted but.. is it all for nothing?"

Eada cried again in front of the mirror and took a knife out from her purse.

"Then I'll just destroy this." She stated in a low tone.

Little did she know that Sophielle has been watching her in horror. Sophielle's eyes widened in fear and she's trembling uncontrollably. Sophielle thought the lady in front of her can see her and she's afraid of that. But then, she realized he couldn't. She's talking to herself.

"I only want to be loved by someone... I only have Ivan..I..!" Eada raised the knife she's holding but she couldn't bring herself to break it. Tears streaming down her cheeks and she began to sobs.

"...No! Please!" Sophielle screamed out helplessly as she touched the mirror in front of her.

"Eada!" Then the two girls heard a voice they're very familiar with. Ivan is back there and can't believe what he just witnessed.

"Ivan! I-I... I never meant to-"

"Please get out from my room."

Ivan said those words as if he doesn't want to get answers other than 'yes'. The poor lady started sobbing even more and sniffling hardly before she then ran away without looking back to Ivan.

Sophielle who only watched that kept silent and silently thinking about Eada.

"Who is she?" Sophielle finally asked in a half scared tone.

"She's my childhood friend.."

Ivan was not lying. He was just not explaining their relationship in details.

"Did you see..?"

"Yes. I thought she was you so I stood in front of the mirror earlier. Turned out it wasn't you. I-it seems that I can see what's outside when other people are making contact with the mirror when I did so too. But, Ivan.. please do not be harsh on her. I think... I can understand what she's feeling... She's just lonely. She's afraid of losing you." Sophielle mumbled lowly as she looked down at her hands.

"I-I was scared for a moment but...I saw her. I saw her raising the knife but she didn't do anything."

"... Alright. I won't." Ivan made his promise to Sophielle and then he touches the mirror softly and gently.

"I'm glad you're okay," Ivan said shortly.

"This is may sound too forward but do you wish to be out from the mirror, Sophielle?"

The question was like a lightning to Sophielle. Deep down she wanted to be free from the mirror she's been trapped in for so many years. But she's afraid of what might hurt her when she's outside of the mirror that's been isolating and sheltered her from everything. She doesn't know if she's ready or not.

For the first time, Sophielle finally stared at Ivan's orbs for real. This time she's staring deeply at the eyes that have been showing so much kindness at her.

"Ivan, I know that everyone has their hardships, But how is it that they can just leave them? You..you always showed me so much kindness. But I don't deserve it, I.. I have failed you too much." Sophielle muttered with a forced smile.

"That's not true. Don't make that kind of smile.."

"Ivan, I'm sorry... I've decided my decision. Someone told me that I need to be true. True to my own self. My heart. This is my decision." Sophielle took a deep breath then warm tears started to roll down her cheeks.


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