That's how our water battle started.

Endless amount of water was being splashed at my face continuously and I barely had the chance to breathe properly or fight back.

I turned my body to one side to avoid the water but it really didn't help much. I continued to splash water in front of me without looking at Jax, hoping it did hit him square in his face.

Our laughter filled the silent night as it reverberated throughout the pool area, drowning out the sound of the music playing from Jax's phone.

I was soaking wet and I didn't even care about how my hair or make up looked. But I was secretly thankful that my make up was somewhat water proof.

I was having fun. I never thought that tonight would be fun at all, this was all so unexpected.

Our laughter died down a little and I heard a familiar tune playing.

"We're soarin', flyin', there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach. If we trying, so we're breaking free."

Immediately, I turned to look at Jax who looked a little embarrassed. I had a slight smirk on my face as I thought about how Jax listens to High School Musical songs.

Because I secretly have a whole playlist dedicated to songs from High School Musical.

"Is that..."

"My sister downloaded that!" He quickly said, almost too quickly. "I was just too lazy to delete."

"Oh really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. It was fun teasing him.

"I swear."

"Alright, alright," I said, chuckling a little.

"Can you feel it building, like a wave the ocean just can't control. Connected by a feeling, oooh in our very souls, very souls oooh," the song continued playing and I gave him the look.

And the both of us started to sing, and just for a moment I felt as though I'm Gabriella and Jax was Troy, like we were in our own world, singing our hearts out. I felt like I was in a high school musical.

Before I know it, we were out of the pool, singing as if we were Troy and Gabriella, fooling around.

We ran around the pool, occasionally splashing water at one another and sometimes act like we were them.

"We're breaking free!"

Then Jax scooped me up as I jumped onto his back, letting him piggy back me as we run around singing.

"We're soarin', flyin', there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach!"

I raised one hand up high in the air, hoping I could reach out for the stars. With a wide smile on my face, the music continued to blast.

The song ended too soon, and we were laying on the ground, side by side. We were just looking up at the sky once again.

That seemed to be the end of the playlist as music stopped playing.

We were both breathing heavily, and I watched how his chest rise and fall quickly, quite like mine. Water was dripping down his face, just like how water was dripping down mine as well.

Both of us turned our bodies, so that we were laying on our sides.

A smile was on my face as the two of us looked at one another. I saw how his gaze flickered down to my lips for a brief moment, and how he was inching a little closer to me until...

"Shailey Costello and Jax Merico!" I heard an angry voice boomed loudly behind us, making the both of us jump in shock.

"Mum? Dad?"

I quickly stood up, along with Jax who was beside me.

"We have been wondering where the both of you went. How dare you two be out here playing when there's an important company event in there? Shailey, I thought you were better than this," mum scolded, a mixture of disappointment and anger laced her voice. Before I could say "I'm sorry", she had already walked away.

"Shailey, I'm very disappointed in you," dad spoke before he turned and walked away, towards where mum went.

None of us even had the chance to apologise or say anything at all.

I looked down at my dripping wet dress, tears filling the brim of my eyes.

"Come here."

And I found myself in Jax's embrace. His strong arms were wrapped around me as I buried my head in his chest. Tears were flowing down my face uncontrollably as I sobbed quietly.

"I'm a disappointment. I made my parents disappointed and angry," I mumbled in between sobs.

"No you are not. Don't ever say that again. It's my fault, I was the one who brought you out here," Jax assured me as he rubs my back soothingly.

"It's not your fault Jax," I said, looking into his eyes.

"It doesn't matter who's fault it is, I just want to see you smile. Come on, cheer up Shai," he said as a smile graced his lips.

And I did. I smiled.

Oh damn it, they got caught :( What did you guys think?

Don't forget to vote, comment and share if you like this chapter! 💓

On a side note, CHRISTMAS IS IN 9 DAYS!!! 🎅🏻🎄☃✨

Also, I will be updating weekly! Every Tuesday and Friday! Yayyy 😊

Much love,
Rachel xx

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