I look at Luke one more time and then I open the door, Eli looks nice he's all dressed up.

"Hello, you look great" eli says smiling at me

"Thanks you too" I say awkwardly

"You ready" he asks

"Yep" I nod

"Have a good time" Luke tells me, I give him a small smile and walk out of the door

We walk to the car in silence.

"You in the mood for some ice cream?" He asks me in the car

"Always" I tell him he laughs

We go to the local ice cream shop that I've yet to have gone too.

"What kind of ice cream do you want?" He ask as we stand in line

"Uh vanilla" I tell him he nods

"One vanilla and one chocolate ice cream" he tells the cashier

"Here you go" the cashier hands us our cups

We walk over to one of the open booths, the place is pretty packed I think this a date spot because a lot of couples are here

"I hope you like this place me and Mary come here a lot" he tells me

"You guys seem close" I say as I take a bite of my ice cream

"Yeah we've been friends since kindergarten" he laughs

"She said you guys dated in elementary school" I chuckle

"Yeah we did, we were each other first loves I guess you could say" he laughs smiling to himself

"That's sweet" I say

"So are you liking it here" he asks me

"Yeah I am" I say honestly

"I'm glad, we don't get a lot of new people in our town"

"Yeah I can tell" I smirk

"Atleast people aren't staring anymore" I nod

"This is really good ice cream" I say

"Told you" he laughs "they also have really good strawberry ice cream that's what Mary gets here" he tells me

"I'll have to get that next time"

We continue talking about school and other things.

I look around and notice everyone gone and their closing up.

"We better go" Eli says

We walk outside.

"It's a nice night" I say

"Want to take a walk?" He asks me, I nod

"So are Jeff and Kate together?" I ask making small talk

"O yeah they act like they hate each other but they hookup behind everyone's back" Eli shakes his head

"Why would they do that?" I ask confused

"Because there not sure what they really feel about each other and so before they are judged by the whole school they are doing this before they go public"

"They seem perfect for each other" I comment

"because there both so bitchy" Eli laughs I nudge his shoulder

"I think two people who care about each shouldn't care about what people think" I say

"Your right" he agrees

We stop and I feel him look at me I look at him, He leans down and kisses me lightly.

"I hope that was okay that I did that" he nervously laughs

"Yeah um it was actually my first kiss" I hope he doesn't think I'm a weird for admitting that

"Really" he smiles "I'm honored"

"Who was yours?" I ask him

"Mary" he bites his lip like he's thinking about something

"I won't get mad if you tell me the truth. Do you have feelings for Mary?" I look at him

"Why would you say that" he looks down at his feet

"Because the way you talk about her" I put my hand on his shoulder

He's quiet got a moment.

"So it's that obvious" he sighs

"Kind of" I smirk

"She doesn't like me like that" he shakes his head

"You never know unless you ask her"

"I'm sorry I ruined our date" he sighs

"No you didn't" I shake my head

"Ready to go home" he grabs my hand, I nod

The Boy That Lives In My HouseWhere stories live. Discover now