Chapter 13

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Enjoy!~ Sorry it's so short... ^__^* And in these times I wish I could access a digital art whats-it-called and make the scene it describes down there...Anyway don't own the audio and image!

     The afternoon then passed by. Lunch then came to the painfully silent grand manor. Coming down at once with Sebastian as an escort Ciel came to the dining room setting himself in his newest seat placement. "Go fetch Anastasia." The boy ordered trying to keep his emotion away. Emotions are for the weak. He must be the utmost strong. To be the superior noble this certain title demands. He must wander though. How did his father be capable of such smiles even when he was of this accursed title? He remembers never once has he seen his father the Late Vincent Phantomhive, with a frown marring his face, not even a stressed glimmer in his emerald eyes. Speaking of his father...

Ciel snuck a small side glimence at his newly aquatinted fiendish butler. He resembled his father but...structure wise at least. The difference really is only the paleness of skin, inky black hair, and the cold rusted eyes. And of course the missing presence of the beauty mark that placed itself perfectly under his father's eye. Ciel choked the slightest bit as Sebastian locked his eyes with his own before leaving to gather Anastasia from her at the moment courters. Then Anastasia...she is an odd young woman. She obviously hails from a troubling past if that small note of information she gave them and finding her in the...den per say is anything to go by. But her presence is what unsettled him. It was so much like his late mothers. A soft, velvety presence that gave security and comfort. It spoke innocence and love. It was like a creamy white that was the scent of some type of sweet. Chocolate he'd say.

Soon they both came down and for a moment he swore he saw something different...It was the image of his mother and father smiling at him. They were in a field, the golden sun shining upon them as if heaven's light. The sky was clear as a crystal, no cloud in sight. And behind him was a land of shadows where the inky depths crept and slithered, stalking his movements like a predator. In those satanic lands was Sebastian, his eyes were glowing embers, black feathers enshrouding his legs. And next to him was what he thinks is Anastasia. Her eyes a beautiful blue haze glowing with a shattering dullness yet an innocence and locked away strong curiosity in her azure eyes...He whom stood in the perfect center. What side to choose? Heaven's holy light? Or the Devil's sinful shadows? His royal eyes dimmed in thought. And without hesitation he closed his eyes and fell back.

Heaven damned him themselves. He belongs to the shadows for now on even in death...He did sell himself and so he shall not break contract. He will fulfill revenge. His honor will be built back. His justice will be served. He will do any method needed. Even if that means his soul turns a haughty black...

Sebastian's eyes flashed as he smelt his young master's soul. 'So that doubt is finally gone now? That was surprisingly quick...' A cruel smirk spread onto his handsome face. 'It's settled then I will help you fulfill your revenge my young lord and in return I shall devour your delicately bitter-sweet soul...'

While Anastasia looked at the boy confused. His eyes dimmed and he looked to be stuck in his own mind. 'I wonder what he is thinking about. But it's probably none of my business.'

AHHH 581 words?! Really?! I can't believe that's the best I can do right now!! If it ain't noticeable...I'm angry at myself...I'm so sorry readers...


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