Teaching them properly (2)

Start from the beginning

"Let's go, Dino sensei is waiting" Kyoko smiled.


"That's expected from our idol, Kyoko!"

"I fell for her even more!"

Kyoko clutched her fist slightly.

'All they see is my academics.. my beauty not like Tsuna-kun, Hana-chan and others..' Kyoko frowned.

No one caught the frown but Tsuna and friends.

"Hey Kyoko, you alright?" Yamamoto asked softly.

"Yeah.. I'm sick of them only looking at my beauty and academics.." Kyoko sighed.

"That's just the harsh reality" Gokudera grumbled.

"Well, I know that feeling, since you, Chrome, Gokudera and I is being treated as if we are gods" Yamamoto frowned.

"Che, they are pathetic" Gokudera clicked his tongue.

"For the first time, I agree with him, they are nothing but monkeys" Hana scoffed.

"Well, that's why we follow Tsuna isn't it? He sees us more than just that" Yamamoto smiled.

They smiled and nodded.

'What are they talking about..?' Tsuna raised an eyebrow as he saw his friends smiling and agreeing about something.

"Hey Kyoko-chan, are you alright? You seemed down a while ago.." Tsuna asked looking concerned.

"Yup, no worries, it's fine now" Kyoko gave him a bright smiled.

Tsuna sense no lie in it and nodded.

When they reach Dino's class, the fangirls started chatting with him.

The guys just groaned and grumbled feeling jealous.

"Alright alright stop, we have to start class now, you guys are really late and the class is already ending soon" Dino sighed.

"Eh?! It's ending already?"

"But we want to be with you Dino sensei!"

"Please Dino sensei!"

"Stop this, how old are you guys? Three?"

Everyone turn to see Reborn entering the class.

"R-reborn.." Dino smiled nervously.

"Reboyama sensei.." The class gulped.

"Dame Dino, quickly start the lesson already, I guess you really need more training" Reborn smirked.

"Nonono! I'm perfectly fine!" Dino paled.

"Stop messing around now, there's about 15 minutes more before the class ends.. Behave like a 14 year old kid now" Reborn narrowed his eyes.

"H-hai!" The class was too afraid to deny.

Reborn then leave the room.

'He doesn't have to scare them like that..' Tsuna sighed softly.

"Ok now... Let's start the class properly" Dino smiled nervously and started teaching them English.

After 15 minutes, Dino told them the class ended. Many grumbled, disappointed about leaving a nice and charming teacher. (Mostly the fangirls)

"Now you are going to have class with Skull..sensei so follow me, don't get lost!" Dino smiled and guide the class to Skull's class.

'Hm... Nothing happen much during Fon and Dino's class.. I doubt the class would fear Skull.. I thought they wanted revenge so.. why?' Tsuna raised an eyebrow but didn't ask anything.

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