Chapter 4

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your point of view

Newt and Minho have both been acting weird the past few days. They have almost been possessive of you, it was starting to freak you out. You feel like Chuck knows more than he's letting on. He keeps talking about Newt and Minho when you're around.

Chuck's point of view

I was walking by the dead heads yesterday and I heard two voices arguing, so naturally i walked over to check it out. Once I found the source of the sound I saw Minho and Newt arguing.

"She's mine New! She doesn't even like you! Have you seen the way she looks at me. She's totally in love with me," Minho yells at Newt.

"That's total klunk! Y/n spends more time with me than she does you." Newt snaps back.

"That's not true! During dinner last night she talked to me way more than she did you!'' 

I gasp at the argument,

"Chuck is that you?" Minho asks, still heated from the argument.

I stand up from behind the bush I was hiding behind and walk over to them.

"How much did you hear?'' Newt asks worriedly.

"Pretty much all of it," I mumble,

"You can't tell y/n about any of this. Got it." Minho says angrily.

Your point of view

You had some time off from cooking and decided to take a walk to the tree grove. As you  walked through the heavily wooded area, you hear a twig snap. You turn around to see Gally standing behind you.

"Gally you scared the klunk outta me!" you say.

He just smirks and walks over to you.

"What are you doing Gally?" you ask confused.

He still says nothing and pushes you up against the nearest tree and attempts to kiss you. You try to push him off you.

"Gally I don't like you like that! Get the shuck of me!" you yell.

"Y/n you know you love me.  I know you do." Gally whispers to you.

You keep trying to push him off you, but he's stronger than you.

"Help somebody help me!" You scream at the top of your lungs.

"Stop yelling and kiss me.'' Gally says angrily.

You knee him where it hurts and run off. 

"Get back here!" Gally yells.

He chases you through the woods, you run as fast you possibly can. You see Newt jog towards you.

"Y/n what's wrong?" he asks.

You run past him towards the glade.

Newt's Point of view

While I was getting some water, I hear a loud yell coming from the tree grove. I jog over to see what's going on. As I walk over, I can what looks like y/n running from something. I start to jog a little faster. I enter the tree grove and ask y/n what's wrong, but she just runs past me. Before I start to run after her I see Gally emerging from the woods breathless. 

"Gally what happened?" I ask.

" I'm not sure I heard a yell and ran towards it," He says out of breath.

I walk off to go find y/n and find out what really happened because I don't really believe Gally's story.

After searching for a bit, I finally found y/n sitting next to one of the maze walls.

"Y/n what happened? Are you okay?" I ask all at once.

"Gally tried, he tried to," y/n said panicked. "He tried to kiss me."

"He what!" I yell, unable to control my anger. "He'll pay for that!"

I storm off to find Gally and throw his shuck butt into the slammer for a year! 

"How could he do that! It's not like he even tried talking to her. I try my hardest to get her like me everyday and he just goes up and kisses her! I feel disgusted at the thought of him even touching her!" I think to myself.

I'm back! :D I'm sorry it's been awhile, I've got this horrible thing called writers block. 

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