Chapter 1

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My eyes have been open for about an hour, just staring at my ceiling, waiting to hear the oh-so-dreaded voice of my father. It's deep and terrifying and sends shivers down my 18 year old spine. The knock at the door finally happens, and I sit up, faking a yawn and a stretch as the man I call my father walks in the door. His hair is a very dark brown, and goes up kind of like one of those characters from DBZ, but not as intense. He has a large scar on his right eye, and a few random ones on his face. His intense green/brown eyes stare at me and I look back into his. "Hello, Assdoor," he says, putting his hands on his hips.

"Hey," I say softly, acting tired. Suddenly, I get yanked up off the bed, now standing against him, leaning on him. My green skin contrasts with his Caucasian skin, but it doesn't make much difference, he is my father.

"You know what today is, right, disappointment?" He smirks, and suddenly does something random. He pets my hair, looking me eye to eye.

"N-n-no, sir..." I stutter, now thinking that I had somehow messed up once again and was getting a beating.

"Why it's yours and your sister's birthday, you idiot!" Oh no. He smirks more, and pushes me against the wall, and I let out a shaky breath, having lost air from being pushed to the wall.

"O-oh r-r-really?" I fake a smile, "Are we actually gonna get cake this time?" My left cheek suddenly gets smacked as my head now faces right, as dark green blood comes from my lip.

He pinned me to the wall more now, "Oh course, how could you be so stupid!?!?" My mouth gapes as he says this, "Close your mouth, idiot, you'll attract flies!"

"You're actually...."

"Well, you're a man now, aren't you, retard?"


"Good, see you downstairs in an hour." He stops pining me against the wall, and walks out.

I take a deep breath and shut the door. And let a few tears fall down my cheeks, wiping the blood off my lips, and let out a soft sigh. After ten minutes of cleaning my new cut, I hear the scream of a ten year old. My sister. She's probably getting slightly beaten. The greatest birthday present. I can't do anything, and finish up cleaning up, and get on a baby blue sweatshirt and some dark blue jeans, heading out into the kitchen. The fighting between my father and my sister seemed to has stopped. Looks like one of my younger brothers are cooking. He swears as he burns his hand, "FUCK!"

Yep, it's definitely Knight. "Put that under some cold water," I tell him and he does so.

"Dad's gonna be down here any second, you need to be mad at me, remember?"

"Oh shit, yeah..." I reply and emit a growl in my throat, yelling at him, "YOU FUCKWAD, HOW COULD YOU BURN YOURSELF LIKE THAT, I SWEAR SOMETIMES YOU HAVE NO BRAIN!"

"Wow, Balthazar, you have quite a way with words." I turn around to see my father, the twin of Knight, Prince, and my little sister, Mace. Mace was covered in bruises and a bit of blood.

"Yes sir, I try my best, just like you taught me."

"Good boy."

I take a glance over at Knight, more so looking at the knives. I look at my sister and nod. She runs off. We have been planning this for two months. "Thanks dad, we should really all have breakfast, I'll cut up some bread."

"Okay son, you do that." He notices the child ran off, "Prince where did your sister go?!" The blue haired 15 year old cowers, unresponsive. The child gets a swift kick to the chest and falls over, and suddenly I feel the signal. I grab the knife off the knife rack and stab it into my father's back, hoping it was fatal.

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