The great escape!

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Diego burped intensely. Swiper didn't taste as good as he had desired him to. He needed more..spice. But, Swiper fulfilled his part of the deal, so Diego would do his part as well. He would escape.

Diego coughed up the last hunks of fur that belonged to Swiper, and set off to find an exit to Dora's vagina.

Diego climbed up mountains, slid down riverbanks, and walked on aborted fetuses. Deep down he thought he was making progress, but on the interior he knew that wasn't the case.

Diego eventually reached a temple of sorts. It had carvings all over it that read "I'm the map", "help us", and even "Swiper no swiping"! Diego felt shook. JUNG SHOOK. He decided that for once he needed to not be a little fucking tight pussy and ventured forth into the shrine.

He was greeted by a mysterious looking box bearing a blue crystal. Diego immediately brightened up. "This has to be the way out!" He said out loud. He quickly reached out to grab it but he heard a voice echo behind him. Another familiar voice, it seemed...

"You ended up in the gutter too, huh.." The voice beckoned.

Diego slowly turned around.

"'s no surprise you're down here. She would always talk about you.."

Diego was halfway done turning around.

"Yes..every one of our journeys somehow reminded her of you..."

Diego was just about there.

"But..I guess all three of us had the same fate, huh?"

Diego was finally looking straightforward at Boots. He had a beard and leather jacket and a katana on his back. He really changed since the last time he saw him.

Diego was shocked. "Boots...what happened to you? Of all people, why are you down here?"

Boots smirked and walked closer to Diego. "That wench Dora just couldn't contain her anger anymore. I disagree with ONE thing she says and she sucks me up into her cooch. Been down here for a while now, and I've seen my fair share of people changed from the harsh reality of this place."

Diego thought about what Boots said, and then realized he didn't care and changed the subject. "What does that blue crystal do?" He pointed towards the place where it was kept.

Boots made a serious face. "That's the key to get out of here, kiddo. Looks cool, doesn't it?"

Diego nodded. "It sure does. C-can we use it to get out of here!?"

Boots closed his eyes and smiled. "We gotta wait for Swiper, pal. Say...have you seen him at all while you've been down here? I haven't seen him for a while."

Diego instantly turned red and looked down.

Boots glanced at Diego. "I take it you have seen him? Don't worry, he's not such a bad guy nowadays."

Diego didn't answer.

"What did he do to you? It's very unlikely but I'm sure he could get out of hand sometimes.."

No answer.

Boots frowned. "Stay with me here, kid. It's okay."

Diego looked up at Boots with remorse in his eyes. "I ate him."

Boots turned pale. "W-what..?"

"I slaughtered him and ate him." Diego was shouting out of guilt.

Boots looked shocked.

"So..can we use that crystal now?" Diego walked towards the shrine, shrugging off what had just happened.

Diego grabbed the blue crystal. "Hey boots-"

Diego felt a strong force blow the crystal out of his grasp. He watched in horror as it spiralled to the ground, only...

Boots caught it with his tail and put it in the pocket of his leather jacket.

"Only one of us is getting out of here, and it is certainly not you." Boots drew his katana and pointed it at Diego.

"There's a circle in hell for people like you."

And so the battle commenced.

Diego Explores DoraWhere stories live. Discover now