Chapter Eighteen| Detroit Adventures

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Mary Kate

We land in Detroit with two free days, one of which I will be training and the other will be the Olympic try outs. I didn't want to over work myself but I knew I've missed out on so much over the past few years. I'll probably never be satisfied with my skill set or stop trying to get better until I can't walk again. Jonny got me time in the rink and I mostly condition and work on my shots. "I don't get why you're so nervous, you would make the men's Olympic team" Jonny says sitting on the bench. "Who said I was nervous" I ask taking another shot. "You're murdering pucks right now" he laughs. "Okay... maybe I'm a tad bit nervous" I admit. I remove my helmet to get the stray hairs out of my jersey and let out a huge sigh. "What could you possibly be nervous about" he asks as I skate over to him. "I don't know... that I'll choke out there, that I'm not as good as everyone else, that people will remember who I was and expect that person, that I'll get hurt" I ramble on. "Okay, I guess you have a few good reasons. But let's not forget that you are still that same passionate girl you were in college, that you've been training with a NHL team, a NHL team who hasn't lost in regulation yet might I add" he reminds me. "I know. I just need to relax" I say letting out a sigh. "There you go. How about you wrap this up and we go sight seeing" he asks with a smile. "I would love that. Thirty more minutes" I say then skate away before any more arguments.

The boys and I all decide to go bowling at a theme park down the street from Joe Lewis Arena. Since we wouldn't get a full season in all the team bonding would have to come in a short amount of time, it was kind of awesome. We take up about 7 lanes and I find myself with Jon, Hossa, and Bickell and we shared a lane with Bolland, Crow, Sharp, and Handzus. We all pick out our balls and put on our bowling shoes. We were all really close and even more competitive so naturally this was going to be a sight to see. "Have you bowled before" Jon asks me as we got started. "I'm American, of course I've bowled before" I laugh. I bowled last on our lane so I could watch everyone else struggle. There was always Brent Seabrooks celebrity bowl where most of the guys attended, but it was pretty bad. That's like once a year and these guys are used to pucks that are a lot smaller than a bowling ball. "You know the ball is supposed to go down the lane, not the gutter" I say nudging Crow. "You're so cold" Crow laughs. "They called me Ice Queen for a reason" I shrug and pick up my ball. By no means was I a great bowler, but I was no amateur either. The first ball I throw down knocks down eight pins and I tell myself that was just a warm up. I head back and pick up a spare ball I picked out and collect the last two pins. "Not bad rookie" Hossa says patting my head. "Hey, that's rookie Ice Queen to you" I laugh and he sticks out his tongue. I wasn't one to fan girl over professional hockey players but I watched Hossa when I was a high school player. He's done some great things and is a even better guy. I like to think I play like him, at least I hope to. The game goes on and I start to find my touch. "You're really good at this" Jonny says sitting next to me as sneaks his arm around me. "My family used to do something every Friday night. They said it was for family bonding but I knew they just wanted to pry me from the ice. A lot of times it was bowling, sometimes we would see a movie or play soccer in the backyard" I say remembering the great times we had. "That sounds great, maybe that can be us some day with our family" he says and I look up at him. I've never been one to plan a future simply because I always went wherever life took me. But I see a future with Jonny in it, and that made me happy. "That would be great" I say and he kisses my cheek.

"So Mary Kate, you ready to kick ass tomorrow" Bickell asks me. "As ready as I'll ever be" I laugh. All the boys have been so supportive of me and help me out during practices. I've learned so much and I hope to do them some justice tomorrow. "We're going to be there rooting you on" Sharp claims. "Dear god no, please no" I beg and he has this shit eating grin on his face. "Come on Mary Kate, you know you want us there" he insists. "I love you guys, but I don't need distractions or outside influences" I say. "But I do appreciate the support and owe so much of my training to you guys" I admit. "We love you, I would say good luck but I know you're already going to do great" Bickel says causing me to smile. He might be a pot stirrer on the ice but he was actually one of the sweetest guys ever. We eat dinner at the theme park and run around playing all the games around there. Before we left I insisted on the glow in the dark put put.

"HIT THE DAMN BALL" I scream after Pat lines up the shot for the 100th time at this hole. "You can't rush perfection" he claims and I roll my eyes. "I'm not rushing perfection... I'm rushing you" I respond and he finally hits the ball. "About damn time" I joke and he flips me the bird. We continue on and I continue to pester Pat because I can. "It's getting late pretty lady, time to head back to the hotel for the big day tomorrow" Jonny says taking my putter away and handing it to Bollig who runs off like a little kid. "But daddd" Patrick and I both say at the same time. "I haven't beat her yet" Patrick pouts. "I haven't put him in his place yet" I whine. "Patrick, you're not going to beat her, Mary Kate you put him in his place about four times a day. Today you're being cut short" he says pulling me away. "You're lucky I love you" I pout as we get into the cab. "I honestly just wanted you to myself. I was tired of sharing you" he says blushing, cute. "Why didn't you just say something" I laugh. "I didn't want to sound like an overprotective boyfriend" he admits. "I kinda like it, it's adorable" I say pinching his cheek. "Nice to know" he smirks. We get back to the hotel and I crash in his room. I set my alarm and get ready for a big day tomorrow.

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