27 | what you don't know, can't hurt you

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"Lawre- Sir, I don't – I can't take this, you need that to find a home, and food, and – "

"Don't worry about me, I'll figure something out," I hand her the paperclipped money, and she slowly wraps her fingers around it, so delicately you'd think it was her first born child. But, Rose has already been born I'm afraid. A beautiful and energetic girl at that. When Margo was interviewed for the job, she had to bring the bundle of sunshine with her, and I luckily got to keep her company while the adults talked.

"Thank you." She cries, before wrapping her arms around my neck.

"It's the least I could do for costing you your job." I shrug, and she laughs.

"I hated it anyways" I begin to laugh, and after a few seconds the energy dies down, and we make our way to the back door to exit.

Only Briggs' use that heavy old front door anyways.

≫ ≫ ≫

"What do you mean there isn't any room?" I yell, and Sean bites his lower lip nervously.

"My parents don't let my friends over, especially not for that long,"

"Just enough to get a job! I don't have anywhere to get a nights sleep, but my fucking car!"

"Just do what you did last time, and sneak back in." He offers, and I sigh.

"They installed a new security system and they'll find out within hours that I'm in the house. Sean, we've been friends since we were in diapers, please, help me out!" I plead, pacing back and forth on his porch patio. When he doesn't say anything I pound my fist against the white column bearing the load of the house's front balcony.

"You're house has how many spare rooms?" I ask through clenched teeth.

"Lawrence – "

"Answer the damn question!" I yell, and he hesitates before answering.


"Good heavens, why can't I just hide in one of them! Good grief, Sean!"

"Sorry man," that's the last thing he says to me before slamming the door in my face.

"Fuck you too," I murmur before walking back to my car.

When I open the door and turn the car back on, I look to see that there's only gonna be a few more hours of daylight. A few hours for me to find someplace to stay the night at least.

≫ ≫ ≫

"Lawrence? What are you doing here?"

"I was wondering if there was any way I could chill with you for a while?" I smirk, and sure enough she opens the door a little wider so I can see the inside of her simple suburban home.

"Is anyone home?" I ask, and she shakes her head before gesturing me inside.

"You know, I was not expecting company so sorry if it looks a mess," the brunette blushes as I examine the haphazard state of her rustic living room. Oak planks lined the walls, while the couch and arm chairs were both upholstered with a dark brown leather. The fireplace was off in the back, and above was a decently sized flat screen television that could be seen from all angles of the room.

"You didn't seem to mind how messy you were the last time I was here, Mallory,"

She blushes before grabbing my hand and walking me upstairs.

"Want to watch some TV?" She asks suggestively, bringing my hand closed to her left hip as we walk up the stairs. I nod my head, ignoring the guilt I feel for doing something like this behind Fawn's back.

I decide that what she doesn't know can't hurt her, I mean, I've already done this once before to get her phone number before everything went downhill.

≫ ≫ ≫


So, what do you think of Lawrence's father?

On Margo?

Any theories on why Lawrence was kicked out?

Thoughts on Lawrence staying with Mallory, who is one of Fawn's closed friends in case you've forgotten after all this time, lol?

Thoughts on this chapter as a whole?

I'm back! It feels like forever since I last wrote you guys, and I'm so happy I can be back again! This chapter really goes into the extent of Lawrence's personal life, and yes, I know you are all probably wondering why Lawrence was kicked out, but it'll all be explained eventually. Lucky me doesn't have to wait though, mwah ha ha ha! Hope everyone had an amazing December while I haven't been around to post, and is excited for the next chapter which is Elliott's POV again! Yay!
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Lots of love
- tat <3

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