My Baby Girl

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Landen just seemed so perfect at that moment in time. He said we should hangout sometime, I agreed. Then I went back into my apartment and Mia was just so cute. She was laying in her crib and just so happy. In the next year or so Mia changed a lot. She went from no hair to so much hair it was hard to keep track of and also so small but now she was so cute. I'm very happ because in two days Mia will be 1. I can't wait. I invited Mom, Dad, Aniyah, Carter, Landen, Shivon and I even invited Paolo because I knew he deserved to see her after all this time. I went out with Mia to get our mail. Landen as out there and he said that he had a question for me. Now we have been hanging out a lot but we knew it wasn't dates. He really loved Mia though and Mia loved him. He was almost like her father. Then he said something.

"Sage, I can't wait to ask you any longer. Mia is alomost one now so we have been hanging out for a year and well. Will you go out with me like on a date?" Landen said so quietly that I almost couldn't hear him.

"Landen, of course. I would love to." I said it very quietly too.

So that was the day we decided to go out. It was amazing. Then it was Mia's birthday. It was the most wonderful day of my life. She was so happy because she just sat there and had a present on her lap, ten she would rip it open. I laughed so hard. Of course Paolo didn't show up. He texted me and said he never wants to speak to me, not even for Mia's sake. That was very annoying but I just enjoyed the day. At the end when everyone was leaving Landen whispered in my ear. Are we still on for Saturday. I said we were. Everyone left so I sat Mia in her highchair gave her a cut up pear and cleaned up. I made pasta for myself and Mia right then said her first word.


It was so loud that I just laughed. She no joke yelled DADA right at me. Then I understood why. Landen taught her how to say dada and she was calling him that all day. I guess I didn't realize because the party was so fun. I knew that Landen was still up so I texted him to come over. He did, we sat all three of us like a family and Mia called him dada. Just like how I called Chase dada when we were younger. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Landen slept over that night and Mia slept in her room. I was overly excited that she was a year old now. The next day was Saturday. The day of our date but we called it off, last night was the perfect first date for us. We stayed in my house all day. In the next few months Landen moved in with us and we became girlfriend and boyfriend. On May 9th Paolo called. It was exactly 3 months after Mia's birthday. He said that he was sorry and wanted Mia to stay with him for a little while. I said that it has been over a year now and that he has no right to see her after the way he treated me. He was yelling and screaming at me but I just yelled and screamed back. Landen took the phone and told Paolo never to call again and that we were dating. That made me feel good. Poor Mia was crying so I gave her mashed patatoes from last night. She was happy then. Paolo called and said he was taking me to court and I couldn't move, he wanted full coustody of Mia.

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