Federico X Reader

Start from the beginning

"I will be out in a moment, Father!" I tell him. I quickly put on my dress and brush my hair out to get the tangles out.

I then walk out of my room and I eat some breakfest with my family. Afterwards I tell my mother and father that I'm going to the Auditore villa. They smile and they let me go. As I walk through the streets I see Ezio more pissed off than I ever seeb him. I walk up to him.

"What is bothering so, my friend," I ask him Ezio looks at me and he places him hands on his hips.

"Duccio has been unfaithful to Claudia," he tell me and I gasp.

"Are you going to do something about it?" I ask him. He nods.

"Just looking for him so I can give that bastardo whats coming to him," he mumbles and he walks off. I sigh and I quickly walk to the Auditore villa.

Once I get there I see Federico standing outside it. I smile and I run to him. He sees me and smiles. He opens his arms and I run into them.

I kiss all over his face he kisses my forehead. I then see Claudia sitting on the marble floor and I pull away from him to talk to her.

"Claudia, Ezio told me what Duccio did," I say to her. She wipes her eyes with the back of her hand and she sniffles. I sit down beside her and I hug my friend, "You deserve better than that bastardo," I tell her. She smiles and she hugs me back.

"Go, don't let me keep you fron your time with Federico," Claudia tells me.

"Well, I will be here with him all day. So we can still talk if you want," I tell her. Claudia smiles then Federico puts his hand on my shoulder. I place ny hand on his and I smile up at him. I then give you a sympathetic smile to Claudia, "I will leave you alone for now, okay," Claudia nods.

I get up from the floor and I follow Federico inside the villa. It was beautifully decerated with paintings on the walls and many expensive objects. Federico places a hand on the small of my back. I take his hand in mine.

"Federico?" he hums in response.
"Promise me we will always be like this," I tell him. Federico kisses my lips and he tucks a strand of my (H/C) hair behind my ear.

"I promise," he tell me. I smile and he kisses my cheek. I wrap my arms around his neck and I nuzzle my head in the crook of his neck.

"Ahh, (Y/N) your here," I hear Federico's father say. I step away from Federico.

"Nice to see you Giovanni," I tell him. He smiles at me and Maria stands next to him. Maria is his wife and Federico's mother. She smiles at me.

"It's so good to see you, (Y/N)," Maria tells me.

"It's goo to see you too," I tell her, "Has Ezio returned yet?" Giovanni nods his head.

"He did, but I sent him on some arends for me," Giovanni tells me and I nod my head. Then Claudia come back in the villa. I smile

Just then some men in armor come barging in and they grab Giovanni. Maria and Claudia started screaming. I cling onto Federico's arm but they alsi take him too. Then another man goes upstairs.

"Whats going on here?!" Giovanni yells at the men.

"You and your sons are here by convicted of treason," the soldier tells him. I frantically look at Federico with fear in my eyes.

Both Federico and Giovanni try to get away from the men but they are beaten for it. Claudia clings on to me and Maria.

Then I see little Petruccio being draged from his room. I start to breath heavily. I then start to punch on the man grabbing Federico.

"Let then go!" I yell at him, "They've done nothing!" he then slaps me across the face. I hand on the ground with a hard thud. Then they start to drag them away. I start to cry and Federico manages to get out of the man's grip he rushes to me.

Federico crouches down to my level and he cups my face. I hold onto his arms and my tears fall down on his hands.

"Everything will be alright. This is just some horrible misunderstanding," Federico tells me. I kiss his lips one last time before they drag him away from me.

I sit in the floor and I pull my knees close to my chest and I cry harder into them.

Claudia later has me go home. I didn't want to leave them but Claudia made me go. I go back home and I cry myself to sleep.

What was going to happen to Federico and his father and little brother? Did the soldiers capture Ezio?

The next day I heard that Federico, Giovanni and  Petruccio were going to be hung in the town square. I run out of my home and I run into the square. I needed to stop it.

As I run I run into Ezio whom was in some strange attire. But there was no time to question that.

"Ezio.....they....they!" I try and tell. He places his hands on my shoulders.

"I know.....but I delivered documents to Uberto last night. Proving that my family is innocent," Ezio tells me and I nod my head.

Maybe there is hope yet. Me and Ezio rush to the town square where a large crowd was chearing for the hanging. Without thinking I run into the crowd. Uberto stands on the platform.

"Giovanni Auditore, you and your competences stand accused of the crime of treason. Have you any evendence to counter this charge?" Uberto says. I look at Federico with tears in my eyes. He looks at me and he takes in a shakey breath. Giovanni looks at Uberto angrily.

"Yes, the documents that were delivered to you last night!" Giovanni yells at Uberto. I look back at Ezio and he looks back at me frantically. Uberto gives Giovanni a crooked grin.

"I'm afraid I know nothing of these documents," Uberto lies.

"He's lying!" I yell out. I loom back at Ezio and we move closer.

"In the absence of any compelling evidence of the contrary, I am bound to prouncd you guilty. You and your collaborators are here by sentanced to death!" Uberto announces. I see the fear in little Petruccio and he starts crying. I look back at Federico. I breath heavily and I move further into the crowd.

"You are the traitor Uberto-and one of them- you may take our lives but we will....." Giovanni yells out but before the hangsmen pulls on the lever Federico looks at me and mouths 'I love you,' the lever is pulled and all three of them are hung.

"NO!" both me and Ezio yell out. Ezio runs through the crowd. But I stand in my place frozen in shock. Everything around me was like a blur.

Then I feel myself being pulled by the arm. I see Ezio pulling me with him while running. I run eith him as fast as I could.

I look behind me and I see several soldiers running after us. We run until we loose them.

Afer we do I collapse onto Ezio's chest and I cry in his chest. Ezio holds me tightly and I cling onto him. He cries into my shoulder.

This can't be real this just has to be just one horrible dream. But it wasn't. This was reality.

I can't believe that the love of my life just died.

One year later

I stand in my room in the Auditore villa in Monteriggioni. I hold my baby boy, Angelo. He looked like his father, Federico.

His hair, his eyes, nose lips and chin were all Federico. I kiss him forehead.

"Someday I will tell you of your father and how he would have loved to meet you," I tell my son. Me makes some cute little sounds.

A few tears come down my cheeks. Little Angelo is the last thing I have in remembrance of Federico. I will always still have our memories.

I'm actually crying right now :(

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