Bloody Rabbit, Beautiful Rabbit

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Gilbert's twitched in shock, unable to immediately process Lottie's words. He knew the time would come someday, with the way Oz was talking and acting, but not so soon!

"Where is he?" Gilbert demanded, forcing the fear out of his voice. He couldn't let that show.

"Oz is in the lawn! Go quickly!" Lottie snapped. "We don't have a lot of time!"

Gilbert was running before Lottie even finished. He swung open the front door, not bothering to close it behind him, and saw Oz. His back was facing him, and he was on his knees, not moving.

Gilbert walked slowly and cautiously towards his Chain. He didn't know what to expect. Oz didn't look dangerous right now, but...

"Oz...?" Gilbert murmured, standing over Oz.

Oz snapped around instantly upon hearing Gilbert's voice. He grinned, but it wasn't the playful, childish grin Gilbert had grown used to. It was...stranger. It was too wide, and along with the manic expression in Oz's eyes, it made Oz look unbelievably frightening.

"There you are," Oz purred in a menacingly soft voice that he normally would never use. "You're just the one I've been looking for."

"Might I ask why?" Gilbert said shakily. He could tell that this was Oz's Chain side. This wasn't the Oz he knew. That grin, that voice, those eyes...Gilbert wasn't familiar with any of them.

"I'm surprised you don't know." Oz laughed shrilly; it was a horrible noise. "You're my Contractor. Naturally I'd be looking for you. You know what I did to all my previous Contractors, don't you?"

"Yeah," Gilbert replied, because it was the only thing he could manage to say without betraying a sense of fear.

"Gil!" Vincent's voice sounded from behind the two, and soon Gilbert felt Vincent's hand on his shoulder. Vincent was standing next to him.

"Leave, Vince. This isn't your problem." Gilbert's voice was dark and urgent. "I don't want you to get caught up in this."

"How should I kill you?" Oz interrupted, giving Gilbert a sickly sweet look. "You get tired of this after a while, you know. Killing all your Contractors, the exact same way...let's spice things up."

"I'm not leaving," Vincent said firmly, ignoring Oz. "All of your problems are my problems, and I will not stand here, doing nothing, as my big brother gets attacked!"

"Ah, Vincent, it's you," Oz turned to Vincent, as if noticing him for the first time. "I expected you to show up here. The way you're overprotective of Gilbert is adorable, I must say...and just a bit repulsive." He smirked.

"There's nothing repulsive about caring for your family." Vincent growled. He turned to Gilbert, worry lighting in his eyes. "See? What did I tell you? I knew he couldn't be trusted. I knew Oz would turn on you."

Gilbert didn't bother responding as he stared at Oz with a glazed, pained expression. It was then that he noticed the blood on his clothes, and he felt rage rip through him abruptly as the truth hit him.

"That's not yours, is it?" It came out of Gilbert in a roar. "That blood isn't yours!"

Oz laughed; all of the sanity that was supposed to have been in that laugh was dead and gone. "What do you think?"

"Tell me whose it is!" Gilbert demanded, extremely forceful. He found himself realizing this really wasn't Oz. He hated whatever this was. He hated it. And it occurred to him that Lottie had probably seen Oz hurt the person, and that's how she'd known he was going berserk.

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