It was a moonless night and I was trying to keep my eyes focused on the path against the consuming darkness.

My stomach was twisted into knots. Each step I took felt so heavy. I hate myself so much. This is all my fault. I was a fool to believe he could be any different.

“We’re here. We have to hurry though.” Bae spoke quietly.

I nod, not being able to form a sentence. He gives me a grim look and continues leading the way.


We make it to the clearing and the sight before me sucked all the air from my lungs. Sawyer’s wrists were tied together above his head and he was hanging from a tree three feet off the ground. His face looked deformed. Blood was oozing from very orifice of his body.

Pan was walking around his body admiring his work. He delivered a punch to his gut making more blood burst from his mouth. Peter was covered in an equal amount of Sawyer’s blood. It was a horrendous scene to behold. Quiet laughter echoed from Pan. My heart was pounding into my throat, and stomach threatening to empty its contents.

The other lost boys were standing off to the side. Some shedding silent tears and others looking to the ground trying to ignore what was going on.

A choked sob escaped my lips making Peter turn in the direction it was coming from. His eyes met mine but it was as if he looked right through me. He didn’t look guilty or upset that I was there. Just empty.


“Y-You can’t do this Peter… Let him go. Please.”

He stood perfectly still and folded his hands behind his back, delight dancing in his eyes.

“He’s been sentenced to death. You did this. Tell me though I'm curious... How does it feel? Hmm?”

He steps closer, his words taunting me.

“How does it feel to be a murder? How does it feel to be”

My blood was bubbling with anger. 

“You know what? Fuck you, you bastard! I’m nothing like you! I hate your guts!” I didn’t care about the consequences of my words. I was saying exactly how I felt. Instead of pouncing on me like I thought he would he just observed me. Silently assessing me.

“You hate me?” he asked rather calmly.

“Yes.” I whispered.

Shadows and light from the fire danced across his face, casting a menacing expression that already spoke of intense hatred and maniacal thoughts. He was no longer Peter or even the dark side of Peter. He was something else entirely. Never have I seen him like this. Nothing I said was going to help pull him back. I knew just by the look of him.

“Ready to find out why you’re here?” he asked.

Darkness has a name: Peter PanWhere stories live. Discover now