chapter 1

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matt oakley was lost. he didn't know what he was feeling, not anymore, because at that moment, the only thing he could think of was how much he liked his boyfriend.

he loved the way his hair flopped around all day because he refused to cut it, he loved the way it was just so easy to be with him and he loved the way a chocolate eating session could turn into a quick kiss, and then a few more, until, eventually they were flushed up against each other, both of then unwilling to let go of the other, like they were right that moment.

he just really, really liked tyler.

because, damnit, tyler's curls were so soft he couldn't help but run his fingers through it, even more pleased when tyler let out a happy sigh.

and, damnit, tyler's mouth, which tasted exactly like the mint- flavoured chocolate they were eating earlier. he just couldn't get enough of it.

and he knew that he sounded like a love- sick puppy right now, but he couldn't help it.

and then the first ring sounded.

they both broke apart at once, slightly shocked by the sudden sound, but matt however, practically jumped at the noise, earning a quiet chuckle out of his boyfriend.

it took a gew dazed seconds for matt to realize what had happened. his phone- it was ringing.

cursing silently, he muttered something under his breath about wanting to strangle ashlee if she was calling again and tyler chuckled yet again, silently noting that matt seemed to want to strangle his best friend a lot.

another few seconds passed before matt found his phone- he was still a bit shaken fron the kiss, and answered it, promptly silencing the shrill ringing that was, quite frankly, making his head ache.


"what what?"

"oh wait, mom? i'm sorry the 'what?' was meant for someone else. why- i mean, what happened?"

"what, can't i call my son to check how he's doing? i haven't heard anything from you since at least a month! you could have called you know," his mother went on to say, making matt roll his eyes and prepare himself for the lecture that was bound to ensue.


"anyway," his mother ploughed on, ignoring him, "i just called to ask if you'll be coming home for christmas. you haven't come for easter or thanksgiving and everyone misses having you around."

again, matt rolled his eyes at the antics of his mother. she was asking him a question, but it was obvious she wouldn't take a 'no' for an answer. she was exactly the overprotective mother- it would be quite endearing, actually, if it weren't for the constant nagging that came along.

and if he were to be completely truthful, he did feel a little guilty for not having visited his family in so long.

"yeah, okay," he conceded, and he could practically hear his mother smiling in victory, "i'll be the-"

and at exactly that moment, he was cut off by the familiar voice of a certain redhead as she practically shrieked, kicked open his door and shouted,


at the sound of his friend's voice, matt sent a pleading look towards tyler, who immediately took ashlee by the hand and led her out of the room before matt's mother could be alerted of her presence and start interrogating her. as it was, he could faintly hear her voice coming from the phone, no doubt full of questions,

"matt? MATT? who was that? why did she call you matty? is she your girlfriend? MATT! ANSWER ME!"

matt sighed again, it seemed to be all he was doing that day, and after a quick thought, gave his mother an affirmative response.

he knew he would have to come put to his parents eventually, but he couldn't do it today, not right now. besides, who comes out to their parents as gay over the phone?

so, he reasoned, what could go wrong with telling his parents that he had a girlfriend? he could come out to them over christmas break, maybe even later, and it would all be okay.

what matt didn't think was that there were millions of things that could go wrong. but that, of course, comes later in the story.

because, colloquially speaking, things were gonna gonna be hella wild


hiii okay so firstly, thank you so much for reading this♡♡ (if anyone actually reads this lmao)

and tylers name was zac earlier so if you see a zac anywhere tell us and we'll correct it??

secondly, matts last names oakley only bc when they get married tylers name will be tyler oakley lmao im such a genius (i only did this for likeyoulotsfranta okay)

also also also if you liked this you could idk maybe vote and leave a couple comments??

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