"Let me go-o-o..." Jian Yi screamed into his ear, and He Tian found himself reflexively pushing him away, thus finally ending the torment for Zheng Xi.

"You look pretty till you open your mouth!" He Tian said, shaking his head. Then, he sniggered at Zheng Xi: "Why don't you help him keep his mouth...umm... occupied?... Ooooh! Wow! You can blush!"

Cackling to himself, He Tian turned, and immediately spotted... Red, with his arms around a pillar, head tilted to the side, and eyes closed.

Is he trying to sleep while hugging a pillar?-Was the first thought that came to He Tian's mind.

How does he look so adorable while doing something as dumb as that?- Was his second thought.

Is this called being blind in love?- Was the third one, which he decided to quickly dismiss.

He forced the butterflies in his stomach to quiet down, and walked calmly towards the other boy who was still hugging his pillar, his eyes still tightly closed.

Tiptoeing so as to not let the other boy sense his presence, He Tian managed to sneak quite close to Red... close enough to...

"Hi-i-i-i", Leaning in, He Tian blew into Red's ear.

The poor boy jumped, startled out of his daze, and landed on his butt, eyes big and round, looking up in confusion...


"Hello there!" He Tian said out aloud, in a perfectly conversational manner, while Red placed his hand on his chest and panted.

Such slender fingers...

He offered his hands to hoist the other boy up. He really wanted to feel those fingers against his own.

To his surprise, Red swatted his hand away, and glared at him.

"What's the matter, babe?" He Tian asked, his voice still smooth, even though he felt slightly let down.

"Babe?" The red-haired boy got off the ground, and glared even harder at him.

Would it be odd if I said it's because I think he's cute and sexy and all sort of amazingness? He Tian decided that would be very, very odd. Who on earth says mushy things like that!


"Yeah... Babe! I mean, have you taken a look at a mirror recently? Specially with a choker on?"

Yeah, that reference should work... He must know how irresistible he looked last night at that bar. That works for a casual compliment!

It, however, did not go as He Tian had planned...

"You jerk!" Red spat at him. "I thought I would thank you, but, no! You had to say that... You had to bring back the memories."

What the... Didn't I just compliment him! He Tian was starting to get irritated.

"What crawled up your ass?" He said, glaring at the other boy in turn.

"You insensitive prick!"

"Watch your tone with me." His voice was cold, the words, out of his mouth before he could stop himself. Habits die hard.


He saw those hazel eyes widen, in fear and also, in hurt. And then, the red haired boy averted his eyes, looking down.

How... How did it turn out like this...

"Right...", He Tian heard Red whisper to himself.

What does he mean? Nothing's right... It's all sorts of wrong...

"Well..." Red finally looked up, but, let his eyes travel past He Tian, refusing to meet his eyes, staring and speaking into the space over his right shoulder, instead.

Please... please, look at me.

"I have your jacket, thanks..."

He Tian took his jacket from Red's outstretched hand: it felt freshly washed and ironed.

"Did you... wash it?" You did not need to. I would have liked it if it still had your smell...

"Yes... Don't worry"

"No... that's not what..."

"Here... and this too..." The other boy cut him.

A bunch of notes was being shoved at him... The same bunch that he had slipped into Red's pocket last night.


"Don't worry. I have not taken any out of it..."

"I want you to take it!"

"For what, exactly?"

"Because you need it! Clearly!"

Red's eyes flashed at him in anger. At least I know what made him upset this time, He Tian thought wearily... Why does he have to be so proud!

"I do not accept charity." He said, predictably.

He Tian sighed.

I have to make him take this money. Else, he will end up in another shady situation like the bar last night, and I can't play Superman every time, swooping in to save him, when I don't even know what he is up to...

What if ...

"It's not charity... I'm employing you... It's your payment..."

"Payment for?" He Tian saw Red's eyes dart to the wad of cash in his hand, and then slowly look up, his expression both hopeful and suspicious.

"For... doing my cleaning duties this week. I have three days on my schedule..."

"You are paying me this much to do your school cleaning duties?"

"And... if I get detention, you are staying back with me..."

"It's still a lot..."

"It does not matter.."

He Tian saw Red was about to protest again. But luckily, the school bell rang...

"Gotta go", he said, turned on his heel, and took off running, leaving Red behind to silently gape at the money.

Why He Tian does what he does (a 19 Days Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now