Cold Blade

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The next day found He Tian determined to make contact with Jian Yi. Right after the first period in fact. It was just a coincidence that he took the longer route to Jian's class room, the one that took him past Red's class. It also just happened that he got pulled in by a gaggle of girls and spent the entire five minutes leaning against the doorway, with a clear view into the room where Red sat. "Bye, ladies!" He flashed his most charming smile and sauntered off, when the bell rang to signal the beginning of the next period.

To say he was surprised by what he had just seen would be an understatement. Red (that's what he called him inside his head) looked nothing like the boy he remembered from that evening. This Red had been scowling, feet propped over his table, the frown so strongly etched into his face that it looked like he never smiled. Near him had been a 'gang of tough boys.' Well, if you use the term 'gang' very, very loosely, He Tian thought, smirking to himself. It intrigued him to see Red like that. And he longed to see those hazel eyes shining with light and love the way they had under the dreamy yellow of the halogen light.


During lunch, He Tian tracked down Jian Yi, along with his faithful Zheng Xi, to the canteen. He took his lunch tray and scanned the sitting area, making a show of trying to decide where to sit. His plan was to make himself look obvious, and then wave to Jian and walk over to him. Just as he was about to, his eyes were caught by a hint of red at the very back of the canteen. Red was slouched low in his chair, his long and delicately curved legs resting over the table, while his cronies jeered and hooted about something. He Tian had a quick internal debate and decided making contact with Jian could wait.

He walked deliberately to that table, conscious of the confused glances other people were shooting at him. Clearly, they had a reputation in the school.

"Hello, lovelies", he smirked to the group in general, his hand resting atop Red's exposed ankle above his socks, the slight skin to skin contact making his skin erupt in goosebumps. "Mind if I sit here?" He stooped to level his head with Red's face, turned to him and smiled.

"The fuck... Why, you bastard..." Red's face contorted in fury. He Tian chanced a glance at his mouth and was amused to see how dainty and sharp his canines were, like a kitten's. He Tian casually braced himself to block a punch, any physical contact would do, he smirked at the thought. But, the punch never came. A hand grabbed Red's shoulder, and a quiet voice whispered, "don't, Carrot Top". It irked He Tian as he recognised the protectiveness of the gesture, and he looked up.

"He Tian", the owner of the hand said, standing behind the chair Red was sitting on. He had sand coloured hair and sad, deep-set eyes. Almost as tall as He Tian, but had more bulk to his frame. He looked slightly familiar. "Peace".

The greeting took He Tian by surprise and he suddenly realised where he had seen the boy before: in one of the initiation ceremonies to The Trust. His name was Ge Hong.

They stared at each other for what seemed eternity.

"You are welcome to join us, if you want". Ge Hong said. Beside him, Red bristled angrily, "Like hell he is!" But, Ge Hong's grip tightened on his shoulder, making him pause and look at him questioningly.

"Later, gator!", He Tian smiled and walked away from the table.


He was about to walk out of the canteen, when he decided against it, and this time actually made to Jian Yi and Zheng Xi's table. Jian had his arm around the other boy, who, for a change, was not trying to wriggle away.

"May I join?", he enquired. Jian looked like he was about to say no, but nodded anyway.

"He is He Tian. He used to read shoujo manga before, but now he plays basketball." The blonde informed ZhengXi in a monotone.

Why He Tian does what he does (a 19 Days Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now