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He Tian went inside, preparing an excuse for his rather long absence from the table at which the three of them, Jian Yi, Zhan Zheng Xi and himself, had been sitting. He was pretty sure they could not have seen the incident between Red and himself, because a corner kind of obstructed their view and the dim light would not have helped.

Zhan Zheng Xi looked disturbed. His jaw was tightly clenched and he focused his eyes on his own finger tips.

Jian Yi looked nervous. He was chewing his lower lips. 

Clearly the bar did not agree with them.

Serves them right, He Tian thought darkly, bloody idiots.

"What took you so long?",  Jian Yi asked as soon as he say down in his chair.

'I needed to take a dump',  He Tian responded, shrugging.

Jian Yi half-snorted, but soon returned to his previous nervous expression. 

"He Tian, let's get out of here". 

"I thought that you wanted to have some out-of-the-ordinary fun?" He Tian sniggered.

Jian Yi scowled in response and shot a nervous glance at Zhan Zheng Xi.

The brunet was sitting upright, lips drawn into a thin line, ears red, and eyes still firmly focussed on his own finger tips. In the last five minutes that He Tian had been at the table, he did not see him move even a muscle. It looked like he had tuned out the world and turned into a statue.

"Let's get out of here", Jian Yi repeated, turning to face He Tian. The blonde's face held a curious expression, He Tian could not place it.

He shrugged, "Sure, let's get out, then."

The two of them got up, but, Zhan Zheng Xi still kept sitting at the table in the same rigid posture. Jian Yi lightly touched the brunet's shoulders, "Come on, Xixi."

The brunet kept his head down even as they made their way to the exit. 

Only once they were outside, did Zheng Xi look up, but not before wiping his face hurriedly on his shirt sleeves. 

He Tian was curious, What on earth is his deal?

He found out soon enough, as Zhan Zheng Xi turned towards Jian Yi, "Let's go home." 

Zheng Xi had a frown on his face, and he was clearly trying to glare, but it failed to hide how red his eyes were, or, how moist they looked.

He... Was he fucking crying? 

He Tian looked at Jian Yi, hoping for some explanation, but the blonde simply shot him an accusing glance. And even though he had no clue why, He Tian felt guilty.

"We are going ahead", Jian Yi told He Tian, as he wrapped a protective arm around Zheng Xi's shoulders and set off, presumably towards the nearest subway station.

He Tian scratched his head, looking at the back of the two retreating figures. 

What was that even...

Today has not been a good day.

Well, that was to put it very mildly. Right at that moment, He Tian felt like throwing his hands up in frustration and yell. And, given the self-control he had been trained in since the age of six, it took a lot to get him that frustrated. 

In stead of that dramatic gesture, however, he eventually settled for a heavy sigh, whipped out another cigarette, and proceeded to hail a taxi.


Why He Tian does what he does (a 19 Days Fanfic) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt