chapter 4

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hey guys thank you so much for my readers . hope you enjoy chapter 4 xxx Ella

Maxons (POV)

I will never leave America again, I snaked an arm around her waist as we walked toward the royal family. The king and queen looked ashamed and apologetic, Daphne was showing no emotion at all. My America nestled herself closer to me. "King Maxon, is America all right?" the queen asked her voice layered with concern. "the Queen is weak and she has a head injury, but the saddest part is our unborn baby died". I shot Daphne an evil glance, she looked happy!!!!

Daphne's (POV)

mission accomplished!!!! she lost her baby, Maxon will leave her for sure. I laugh and everyone stares at me "what?" I say " Daphne, I know you, hate me but I would never intentionally hurt you" America said, I had, had it up to here with this little skank. " ha like I would believe you Skank!!!!" and with that I turned on my heels and walked away smirking.

America's (pov)

I could not believe Daphne said that to me, all I have tried to do is be nice to her, I could not take her crap anymore any more, we are leaving and that is final "Maxon, can we please leave, I can not take her any more" I asked him.  " of course we will leave immediately". we said our good byes to the king and queen before heading back to the plane. " lets go home my dear" maxon says a smile creeping onto his face, "don't start I warned him . I fell asleep to Maxons breathing beside me.

hi guys sorry I have not updated in a while I had writers block my now im on a roll hope to be releasing heaps of chapters soon please vote and comment xxx Ella

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