chapter 5

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hey everyone I hope you guys like my story, im thinking of including some descendants aspects, tell me what you think xxx Ella

America's  (POV)

we arrived back in Illea, I saw Marlee and ran to her to give her a massive hug " your back" she screamed "yes, don't kill me before I tell you what happened". I said laughing " tell me everything, you guys were only gone for two days, what happened?" she practically  yells at me. we walk to mine and Maxons room and we sit down on the bed. I told her about Daphne and about losing my baby, boy did she get angry about that, that is why I love her. she was about to tell me something, when the rebel alarm rang out through the castle, crap I thought, I cant get a break me and Marlee run to the safe room only to find a rebel waiting for us, he grabs me by the hair and shoots Marlee in the leg. I let out a muffled scream before something hit me in the back of the head and all I saw was darkness.

Maxons (POV) 

when I heard the rebel alarm go off, I bolted up the stairs hoping to find America and Marlee but instead I see that a battle. I see a body over in the corner MARLEE!!!! she was injured badly "carter, its Marlee she's over here and injured badly" I yell. Carter bolted over and scooped her up and ran towards the wing. where is America??, I saw blood and a torn bit of dress, it was Americas dress. " your highness, video has just come through, its of the queen" a guard tells me. I race up to the video room and watch as they torture her until she bleeding heavily and has slumped in a chair unconscious. I broke down in tears crying.

hey guys thank you so much fro all your reads I love u all so much xxx please comment vote and tell your friends xxx Ella

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