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*Ashleys POV*

I was walking to phees house cause she had to tell me something I wonder what. even though I already non that niall proposed I planned it cause niall was lost for what to do. when I was a few houses away someone grabbed me from behind I tried to scream but they put there hand over  my mouth. they dragged me to there black van. I started to panic. he's gonna kill me. I remember I have my phone with me so I wait. He stops for gas and gets out. I pull out phone and call 9-11." hello what is your emergency" I've been kidnapped were at the 7-11 in a black van" ok we'll send police there please stay on the phone and lock the doors". I lock the doors cause he was dumb and left the keys in he breaks the window I cover my face and stomach. he is trying to get the lock I stab his hand with a key he screams in pain. just then the police came and grabbed him. they took off his mask it was Shane. I started to cry. Shane punched one of the cops in the face and ran. I was terrified I was crying they called zayn and when he got there he pulled me into a hug and held me there. "did he touch you" zayn asked. "no he didn't hurt me either" I say. we go home and call phee and tell her what happened she was crying and saying how she was sorry and it was her fault. "it's not your fault phee" I say.

So Shane is back muahahaha. Yea and this is the first chapter of the new year. so yea have a nice day bye bye bye!!!

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