She followed me out and then grabbed my hand to spin me around as soon as we made it outside.

"What in the world are you wearing? You look like you are ready to just roll into bed." She exclaimed.

"I am, in fact, i'm going straight into bed as soon as I get out of ths cinema." I replied.

"You're not staying for food?" She asked.

"Nope." I replied, popping the 'p'.

She actually looked hurt. "Oh, I thought you loved these nights with Wesley?" She stated.

"I'm just not feeling it tonight." I shrugged as though it's nothing personal.

"You never not in the mood for Mondays with Wes. Is it because i'm here?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No, no of course not. I'm really just not in the mood tonight."

She nodded. "Okay." She replied. I know she didn't mean it though, she likes to know everything that goes on so I know that she won't stop until she knows whats up. I need to be careful from now on.

I walked back into the screening room and took my seat, one seat away from Wesley. He leaned over to me to say something but before he could, Candy sat in between us.

I shifted my eyes from him to the screen and sat silently through the adverts. Then as the film began, I turned my head to see Candy leaning closer to Wesley and immediately felt more awkward than I already did. I knew this was going to happen but I didn't think it was going to be right at the start. When I come to the cinema I like to ask Wesley about the film or make inside jokes and he did the same with me but now I can't do that with anyone.

I sat quietly throughout the film and then as soon as we got outside afterwards, I turned to them.

"Well, I better be off, i've got things to do." I told them.

"You're not staying?" Wesley asked.

"Nahh, i've got things to do." I replied.

"But you are never busy on a Monday night." He pointed out.

"Yeah well things change Wesley." I replied, slightly angry. I was hoping that neither of them noticed it in my voice but by the look that Wesley gave me, I think he heard me.

"Right well, we better go and eat, it's cold out here." Candy said, oblivious to my current mood because she was too busy thinking about Wesley.

"See you guys later." I replied as I walked off. It had dropped pretty cold and I found myself wishing that I had put on a hoodie or something before I came out.

I was walking down the street when someone almost walked straight into me, about to head into the bar next to me judging by the direction he was walking in, and looked me up and down.

"Woah, you look rough. Bad night?" He asked.

I quickly recognized him as Wade, a lad that Candy was with around five weeks or so ago. "Hey, Wade right? Yeah, I guess you could say that." I replied.

"Yeah, and you are Natasha. I remember you from when me and Candy were a brief thing. That girl, I swear she's dated the entire year." He laughed.

"Yeah." I replied, thinking about how hot he looked in the faint glow of the bar and the small light that the nearby street lamp was creating. "She's working on it." I added.

He laughed and I realized that his laugh and his voice are actually really attractive. I then spent a couple of seconds wondering where these thoughts were coming from.

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