Chapter II

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       The next day its 6:32. Lauren and I have boarded the ship and are going to have to manually take off, secretly of course. We have prepared the ship over night between the guards shifts.
       We are now holding each others hands. Strapped in, she hasn't said a word to me all day, other than to prwpare. Her eyes pierced deeply into mine. 5 seconds before lift-off we hear a loud warning siren. We hurry to see what's wrong. We check the compartments to find "BACK UP THRUSTERS ARE OFFLINE." But before we can do anything we are shot into the atmosphere. We cannot land anywhere because we are not able to stabilize.
       We run out of fuel for the main thrusters and are supposed to switch to backup. We quickly fall off trajectory, thanks to gravitational pull, we are headed straight back to earth.. We look at each other once more, her deep greenish blue eyes, and fall, together, into oblivian.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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