"Is she over there?" Cody asked. "Yeah." "Can I meet her?" "Sure." They went over to his little sister and took some pictures and gave some hugs and then George came back to me. "How can you hate him? He's really nice."

"Yeah, nice to you. Not to me, I don't care about the name and that annoyed him and now we just hate each other." "The name?" "Yeah, Cody Simpson. I couldn't care less if he was the king to be quite honest." George laughed at me.

"What's your number? Maybe we could hang out?" George asked. "Oh yeah, it-" I was cut off. "We have to go, Lauren." Cody grabbed my arm and pulled me away. "Excuse me? Couldn't you see that I was about to get a cute guy's number?" I put my hand on my hips.

"There's only one thing he wants from you." "What's that?" "Sex!" Cody told me and started to walk, I ran infront of him and put my hands on my hips. "And what makes you so sure of that?" "He's 17, you're 15." "How do you know how old he is and so what if he's older? You're older than me and you don't want that."

"His mom said he was and that's because I don't like you. You're hot and he likes that, he just wants to get in your pants and then he'll move on." "I'm hot am I?" I smirked. "I look good do I?" Cody reminded me of what I said last night.

"Anyway, why do you care what I do? Maybe that's all I wanted from him." "No, you're a girl. You have feelings and you take it more seriously, I'm not going to sit back and watch some jerk use you. Now walk." Cody said harshly and then pushed past me.

I stayed where I was and watched him away. "Lauren, get here now." He instructed me, I did as I was told. I didn't look at him I just walked beside him in silence.

"What's up with you?" Trey asked as he sat beside me on the edge of the platform, I ignored him and kept watching my feet as they swung in the water. "Lauren?" I looked at him and then looked back down.

"Why have you been crying?" "What?" I sniffed. "Your mascara had run down you face, why have you been crying?" "I want to go home." "Why?" "Cody." "What's he done now?" "When we got back here earlier he shouted at me again for doing nothing." "But you always fight, what's the difference?"

"You know that guy I was talking to when you guys all walked off and left me and Cody? Well he asked for my number and Cody pulled me away and told me he just wanted to get in my pants so I left it. But then we saw him again on the beach before we walked up the broadwalk and Cody pulled me away, I asked him why and he started shouting at me."

"What was he saying?" "He was telling me I'm too young to date and he said no one will ever like me for me, all guys are going to use me just because I'm pretty. I mean, I'm not even pretty an-" "Lauren, you're beautiful and Cody knows it." "But you should be the one telling me I can't date, not him."

"I wasn't there to tell you no, Cody was just doing my job for me. Go talk to him,  he's calmed down now." "Who's calmed down?" I heard Cody's voice, I ignored him and jumped into the ocean. I washed off my face underwater.

Cody jumped in after me and swam towards me, I rolled my eyes and swam away as fast as I could. I had to stop for breath and then I was pulled under water by my leg, I screamed and then I felt someone's hand over my mouth.

"You can't outswim a swimmer." Cody whispered in my ear, I turned to face him. "Don't pull me under like that, you scared me." "I guess that makes us even then." He paused. "Why did you swim away anyway?" "I don't want to be shouted at."

"I need to talk to you about earlier." "What about it." "I was out of line, I'm sorry." I looked at him confused, we've never appologised to each other. "I just, I don't want him to hurt you. It's my job, i'm the only one who can do that to you." He looked me in the eye.

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