Chapter 2

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An hour later we reached the hotel and I carried Perrie to reception and then to the lift. We were given one big room with 3 bedrooms inside it.

When we got into the room I went into the first room and lay Perrie on the double bed. Then went out to find that Jesy and Leigh had already claimed the other rooms. I didn't really mind as it meant it share with my best friend Perrie, who I might of liked more than a friend - but she didn't need to know that yet...

I quickly changed into pjs from my case and retrieved Perrie's case from Jess' room.  I decided to let her sleep in her clothes and I lay down beside her and she put her arm around me and said "love you jadey, night"

Perries pov*

I woke up to find me and jade tangled  in a bed. That secretly made me happy that we slept in the same bed. Recently I've liked Jade more than a friend, but I'll guess she'll never know how much I love her.
Jade woke up beside me and asked me how I was feeling. I'd a bit of a head ache but other than that I felt better.  I leant over to Jade, gave her a hug and a kiss and said thanks. She asked "thanks for what?"
"For looking after me last night when I didn't feel good."
She gave me a kiss back and snuggled close to my body. We fell back asleep like this and we were woke by Leigh and Jesy taking a picture of us and ' awwwing' at how cute we were.

Jades pov*

When Leigh and jesy finally got us out of bed. I went into the kitchen area to get some food as we'd all missed out on dinner last night and I was staving. After I'd eat I went back into the bedroom to get clean clothes to change into after my shower. I wondered where Perrie was, I guessed she went into Leigh or jess' room. I pushed the bathroom door open and locked it behind me not even looking up.  I took my shorts off, followed by shirt and underwear. Picking up a towel I turned the corner to where the shower was ( large bathroom) and I stopped dead.

Perries pov*

I turn round to see Jade standing in the bathroom with nothing on. My mouth drops.
" sorry" Jade stutters. I could hardly hear her for the water running.
Seeing the funny side of this I laughed and said it was cool. I wasn't really fazed standing there naked and dripping wet in front of my crush. Omg wait no- I don't even know anymore.

Jades pov*

Perrie wasn't even slightly embarrassed that both of us were standing there naked. Her eyes slowly started moving down my body. So I did the same looking her up and down. Omfg she was perfect.

Perries pov*

I saw Jade staring at my body and then I don't know what came over me. I got out of the shower and went to Jade. I slid my hands around her waist and gentility kissed her lips. She kissed back, I chanced my luck and attacked her bottom lip and she let me in. The kiss was slow and passionate. Jade wrapped her left leg around my waist followed by her right leg. I lifted her up and sat her on the sink. I pulled back gasping for air. I looked into her gentile eyes and felt her hands pull me back in.

An: so this is where I got to on insta

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