"It started out with a man...When I was young"

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It appeared as if a young boy stepped into the frame, he wore slightly large camo pants and a light blue shirt. the his hair looked like the mans from the live stream, except a tad bit longer. His slightly round face and bright smile of joy was shown in the picture as he ran. His skin tone was pale as winter snow but he had some freckles on his face which he liked to call "sun kisses". He couldn't really get a tan like his father would after long hours in the sun, he would most likely get burnt on his back or arms.  His bright blue eyes with a hint of green to them showed pure joy as he was running along the edge of what appeared to be a thick woods, giggling happily.

  Tall tree's grew along the woods edges with a few wild flowers sprouting here or there, it had the smell of pine and oak mixing together to make an odd yet wonderful scent. He giggled happily as he ran away from a shadowed man who chuckled and chased after him. All he could remember was the blurred colors of a slight orange/yellow, and black. "He is known as the shadow man." The man picked him up an chuckled. "Where do you think your running-" The man was cut off by a woman shrieking, "LUCY!" The man sets the boy down, just now realizing the gender of the child. Another thing to write down in his notepad when he goes to hide away. "I'll see you again soon." The blurred figure says and runs off into the woods.

A pure blond woman picks the child up, her hair dropping to her shoulders and skin pale as snow in the winter. She wore a white tank top and dark blue jeans, being barefooted didn't help her now cut feet from running over. The woman seemed more country like, having a slight accent to go with it. It seemed to be the child's mother. The mother never caught a glimpse of the man that spoke to the child. "Lucy Stones Smith! Wut did I say about running next to them woods? Ya'll hurt your feet like that." She hisses in a protective manor, The young child slightly sighed. "Sorry mama..." The woman smiled and started heading back with the child still in her arms. The child looked to the woods to see the burred figure slightly waving at him. The child waved back and said with a cheerful voice, "Bye-Bye Hoodie man!" The mother rose a brow and looked to the woods to see no one. She shrugged it off thinking he was talking to  an imaginary friend of some sort and walked back to the bright white house without a care.

'I thought he was part of my imagination... until now.'

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